Prostate Problems Info


Monday, March 31, 2008

Prostate Cancer: Why Eating Well Is The Best Defense

No other human organ is as susceptible to cancer as the prostate. Each year, an estimated 209,900 American men are diagnosed with the disease, making it the most prevalent form of cancer in the United States. Although lung cancer claims more than twice as many men?s lives each year, prostate cancer is the second most lethal male cancer, killing 41,800 men annually.

In fact, the malady is so widespread that by age 65, nearly two out of three males may develop minute tumors producing in their ?prostates,? the walnut-size gland that is wrapped around the urethra, the tube that drains the bladder. And some doctors believe that if men lived long enough, every man would develop the disease.

Curiously, the vast majority of men who have the disease will never know it. That is because prostate cancer normally manifests a gradual growth of tumor, often taking 20 to 30 years to become large enough to be detected by any currently available tests or to bring about serious health problems.

By then, many older men who had these small tumors will have long since died of other origins such as heart disease and stroke.

According to some urologic oncology experts, many more men die with prostate cancer than from it. They contend that if they could just slow the growth of the tumor so that it takes 40 to 60 years to progress instead of 20 to 30, which would amount to a cure for many men.

Doctors suspect that dietary changes may help men stall the progress of disease and prevent it from becoming life threatening. Here are a few prostate protectors.

1. Go lean fat

Lowering your fat intake to 20% of your total calories, that is about 44 grams of fat if you eat 2,000 calories a day, is one of the best things that you can do to slash your risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer.

2. Turn away from red meat

Beef and other red meats are loaded with saturated fat, a type of fat linked to development of several cancers including prostate cancer.

In one study of 51, 000 American men, those who ate the most red meat were 2.6 times more likely to cultivate complex prostate cancer than men who avoided meat consumption.

3. Catch some fish

One reason why advanced prostate cancer is rare in china may be the quantity of fish in the diet. One study compared cancer rates of American men to men living in Shanghai, China, where people consume three times as much fish in their daily diet. The rate of prostate cancer for the American men was a dramatic 25.9 times higher than for the Chinese.

4. Discover the joy of soy

Health experts suggest that instead of meat, try substituting tofu, miso, and other soy foods in salads, casseroles, and soups.

Men in Japan eat many soy-based foods, benefiting from significantly high levels of genistein and genistin, two substances found in soy that may help clamp down on the disease.

5. Learn to like lycopene

A study at the Harvard School of Public Health tracked the eating habits of almost 50,000 health-care professionals for more than six years. The researchers concluded that lycopene, an antioxidant compound that gives tomatoes their distinctive red color, helps fight cancer.

So now you know the preventive measures in order to avoid developing prostate cancer, it is best that you start employing these tips in order to have a healthier, cancer-free life.

As the old adage goes, you are what you eat. So eat healthy in order to be healthy.

Robert Thatcher is a freelance publisher based in Cupertino, California. He publishes articles and reports in various ezines and provides prostate cancer resources on

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer

For prostate cancer treatment we give the patient hormones that will suppress the male hormones (andrones) in their body. Androgens (male hormones) are produced mainly in the testicles. Sometimes androgens will stimulate the growth of prostate cancer and speed up the growth of the cancer cells. If the levels of the androgens is lowered then the cancer will grow much slower and possibly shrink. Hormone therapy is not meant to cure the cancer in the prostate but if used in conjunction with other therapy such as radiation or surgery if their is a risk of recurrence.

There are numerous ways that the androgen levels can be lowered in the bloodstream:

Orchiectomy - is the surgical removal of one or both of the testicles which are the main source of androgen production in the male body. By removing the testicle or testicles the levels of male hormones will drop enough to slow the growth of the cancer

Luteinizin hormone-release hormone analogs (LHRH) - often chosen instead of having an orchiectomy, LHRH analogs are injected or inserted as small implants underneath the skin. These injections are usually given every month or ever 3, 4, 6 or 12 months. The LHRH analogs that are used most of the time are Lupron, Viadur, Eligard, Zoladex or Trelstar.

Antiandrogens - are given to block the action of the androgens (production of male sex characteristics). Antiandrogens are given in daily pill form and the drugs used are Eulexin, Casodex, and Niandron. Antiandrogen treatments is often used in conjunction with an Orchiectomy because even after the orchiectomy there are sill androgens that will be produced by the adrenal glands.

Estrogens - largely replaced by LHRH therapy because of severe side effects, the use of estrogens (hormones that produce female sex characteristics) was often used in the past as a substitute for Orchiectomy

Side Effects of Hormone Therapy

The side effects for Orchiectomy and LHRH treatment are basically the same:

-reduced or no libido (sexual desire)


-hot flashes (these may go away with time)

-breast tenderness and growth of breast tissue

-osteoporosis (weakening of bones) leading to bone fractures

-anemia (low red blood cell counts)

-decreased mental acuity

-loss of muscle mass

-weight gain


-decrease in HDL ("good") cholesterol


The Side Effects of Antiandrogen Treatment



-liver problems


*Note that the biggest difference between the side effects of LHRH treatment and Antiandrogen treatment is when Antiandrogens treatment is given alone their are less sexual side effects. The patients libido and potency can still be maintained.

Many of the side effects noted above can be treated so if they do arise consult with you doctor about what can be done to reduce them.

Steven Wallace provides information about Prostate Diseases and Prostate Cancer screening, diagnosis and treatment options at

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Regular Prostate Cancer Screenings Are Recommended for Obese People

The main majority of experts agree the fact that obesity is among the many risk factors for prostate cancer. They found a suspect relation between a man's body mass index (BMI) and prostate cancer condition.

A study involving 787 patients concluded that is more difficult to detect prostate cancer among obese patients, because the significant man's weight may affect the accuracy of a common blood test . Expressing a big concern, the same study found that obesity itself might cause development of the most aggressive form of the disease. Once more obesity was evidenced as a higher risk for the cancer, a killer indeed.

According to Prostate Cancer Foundation, symptoms of the ailment include a necessity to urinate very often, weak urine flow, difficulty in starting urination, painful or burning urination, painful ejaculation, blood cells in the semen or urine, as well as frequent pain and cramps in the lower back, hips and upper thighs.

Because prostate cancer is a relatively slow-growing disease and easy to control if it is detected early enough, the regular screenings are recommended for obese people experiencing the above symptoms. They can determine whether cancer is present and reveal how quickly the cancer changes over time and how much aggressive is the type developed.

Valerian D is a freelance writer interested in health issues affecting men such as prostate cancer screening

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Friday, March 28, 2008

More Men Die With Prostate Cancer Than of It

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men, after lung cancer. Every year it kills more than 30,000 American males.

There are two different types of the cancer - an aggressive and deadly one and the other a slower-growing and less harmful one. Making possible prostate cancer detection and its severity anticipation is the way to save thousands of men a year from surgery (treatment) they don't need. The big problem is not the surgery itself, but the situation they will face the side effects of that treatment such as impotence, bladder control troubles and possible worst conditions.

To be able for this performance, doctors use varying techniques. The newest methods involve 3-D mapping, a biopsy method in which a grid is placed over the prostate to evaluate the amount of cancer and its precise location. The prostate specific antigen (PSA) is another possibility to detect the severity of prostate cancer. Because PSA can reveal how quickly the cancer changes over time, specialists hope that they will be soon able to anticipate the more aggressive form of prostate cancer.

In the context of accuracy, more typical methods have recently been the subject of debate. One of panel conclusion was that the still standard biopsy helps doctors determine whether cancer is present.

Prostate cancer patients should be very interested in doctor's abilities and methods to determine the severity of their illness. They need a right evaluation of stage and progression of cancer as more men die with prostate cancer than of it.

Valerian D is a freelance writer interested in health issues affecting men such as prostate cancer

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Prostate Cancer Research - The Promise Of Pomegranates

Pomegranates have long been used in traditional folk remedies to treat sore throats, inflammation, and rheumatism. And recent scientific research has suggested they are also potentially effective in both preventing and treating prostate cancer.

One study, conducted on human prostate cancer cells in lab dishes, at the University of Wisconsin, found that there were dose dependant improvements. Another study at the same facility injected mice with human prostate cancer cells. These mice developed malignancies. Some mice were fed plain water, whilst two other groups of mice were given water mixed with different concentrations of pomegranate extract.

Those mice that had water only had tumors that grew much faster than the pomegranate and water groups. The quantities given to the mice were comparable to that which people might get if they drank pomegranate juice on a daily basis. And whilst pomegranate juice hasn't been tested on humans with prostate cancer yet, the results are very good.

The study did not indicate what aspects of pomegranate juice were responsible for slowing down prostate tumour growth. But the scientists involved did mention the antioxidant polyphenolic compounds, which are more effective than green tea and red wine.

Pomegranate extract not only inhibited the growth of cancer cells, it also worked by another means - apoptosis.

Apoptosis refers to a way that cells can die. Cancer growths are characterized by an uncontrolled growth of cells that do not follow the normal processes of cellular differentiation of regular, healthy cells. Cellular differentiation means that the characteristics of a cell change and get the functions that a mature, healthy cell would. For example, liver cells have specialized liver functions, as do prostate, breast, kidney, and all other types of cells. This is normal and healthy.

In tumour growths, although some cells fully differentiate, many only differentiate partially, and some not at all. And the tumors which have more undifferentiated cells grow faster. So, inducing cellular differentiation is one approach to cancer treatment. The other two ways that doctors and researchers try to treat cancer is by causing the death of cancerous cells. They do this through apoptosis, mentioned above, and necrosis.

In apoptosis, cell death is programmed into the cell when it is 'born'. So the cell dies in a more natural way that is less destructive on its environment. By this I mean it doesn't cause inflammation and the damage associated with it to neighboring cells that may be healthy. Cells die either when they reach cellular old age or when their death benefits the body as a whole. Necrosis, on the other hand, does cause inflammation.

Generally, prostate cancer grows very slowly, although it is unpredictable and can grow quickly and spread.

1. John Boik, Cancer and Natural Medicine (Oregon Medical Press, 1996)
2. Australian Healthy Food, March, 2006

If you're interested in a good health prostate supplement, click here, and check out the prostate health tips. Maca root is another great supplement for regulating and normalizing hormones, for both men and women. Rebecca Prescott runs this website that provides researched information on vitamins and supplements.

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What Are the Treatments of Prostate Cancer?

Surgical castration by orchidectomy

Surgical castration is the simplest and cheapest way to treat metastatic prostate cancer. The obvious disadvantage is the psychological effect of the loss of the testicles.


LHRH-analogues and oestrogen achieve a "medical castration" by stopping the testicular production of testosterone. LHRH-analogues are injections that have to be given monthly or three monthly for the rest of the patient's life. They are effective but very expensive.


Oestrogen can be taken orally on a daily basis. It has a high incidence of thrombotic complications such as stroke and myocardial infarction.


Anti-androgens oppose the action of testosterone by blocking the androgen receptors. The incidence of erectile dysfunction is less than with surgical or medical orchidectomy because testosterone levels are maintained in the bloodstream. Anti-androgens alone are probably not adequate treatment for metastatic disease. Total androgen blockade by a combination of steroidal anti-androgens and LHRH-analogues or orchidectomy has not been shown to be better than LHRH-analogues or orchidectomy alone. However, non-steroidal anti-androgens yields slightly better results than castration alone.

Locally advanced disease without metastases.

The overall results of treatment of patients with disease beyond the prostate are not good. Some patients with early disease beyond the prostatic capsule, and no evidence of metastases, benefit from radical treatment. The most widely used treatment regimens consist of a combination of radiotherapy and hormonal treatment.

Treatment options for locally advanced and metastatic disease.

? Early hormonal treatment
? Watchful waiting with hormonal treatment once symptoms develop

Disease that has spread to the seminal vesicles and beyond is not real curable.

Prostate cancer is dependent on the male hormone testosterone. 80% of patients will respond to hormonal treatment that deprives the tumor of testosterone. This response usually involves the shrinkage of metastases and symptomatic improvement for the patient. The response to hormonal treatment is not a cure but can last for many years in some patients. The average duration of response is 2 years. Most cancers eventually escape hormonal manipulation. This is referred to as hormone independent disease and is usually followed by death within a few months.

Controversy exists regarding the timing of hormonal treatment. Most studies indicate a survival benefit for early rather than late hormonal maneuver. Testosterone deprivation has side effects like erectile dysfunction, breast enlargement and osteoporosis. The earlier hormonal treatment is instituted the greater the chance of complications. Once again treatment has to be individualized to the needs of the specific patient.

With our next information - we will inform you about the ?Staging and grading of prostate cancer? - so you should have a look on this site in the next 2 weeks! If you have any question sends us your e-mail.

Fritz Frei make it easy to check out the important details about the diagnoses and test's of the Male - Prostate-Cancer. To receive more information's about all cancer -questions - Links and last research NEW's - visit the

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Drinking Milk and Sunshine Exposure Can Limit the Prostate Cancer

The spread of prostate cancer is caused by the over normal activity of two specific enzymes, proteases called cathepsin and matrix metalloproteinase.

A recent study concluded that Vitamin D can reduce the activity of these enzymes, mainly by increasing the level of counterpart enzymes that inhibit matrix metalloproteinase and cathepsin. This process has two consequences on prostate cancer. On one hand, it creates a limitation in power of prostate cancer cells to invade healthy cells and, on the other hand, it has a positive effect on plasminogen activators, which also are important in uncontrolled prostate cancer spreading mechanism.

For a moment it is unclear whether there are other vitamins and medicines that could increase the anti cancerous effects of Vitamin D. The scientists are now investigating if Vitamin E could be a positive support without increasing the toxic level.

Patients must know that a high dose of Vitamin D has a strong side effect causing kidney problems due of increasing blood calcium levels. For this reason, it should not be taken without medical prescription and a special monitoring of side effects by a professional health care.

Excepting vitamin pills, the best ways to get Vitamin D into the body are to drink milk and to expose the body to the modest sun (sunshine preferable).

Valerian D is a freelance writer interested in health issues affecting men such as prostate cancer

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Monday, March 24, 2008

What a Man Must Know About Prostate Cancer!

1 Testosterone and its active metabolite.

Dihydro-testosterone are essential for prostate cancer to develop, but does not actually cause prostate cancer. Men who are castrated at a young age do not develop prostate cancer.

2 Prevalence of prostate cancer

One in ten men will develop clinically significant prostate cancer in their lifetime. It is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in American males with 250 000 new cases reported annually. Prostate cancer is second only to lung cancer as a cause of cancer death in both the USA and the UK. Prostate cancer is rare among Orientals. It is more common in black than white Americans. The disease appears to present at a younger age and behave more aggressively in American blacks. Prostate cancer is common in South Africa and probably underreported as a cause of death. The exact incidence in South Africa is not known as no large-scale epidemiological studies have been performed. It is uncertain whether prostate cancer is more common in South African blacks as compared to whites. In very old men prostate cancer is not always clinically significant. Autopsy data indicate a 70% incidence of prostate cancer in 80 year old men. The majority of these men died with rather than from prostate cancer.

3 Causes of prostate cancer

There is no single cause of prostate cancer. The cancer originates in the epithelial cells of the glandular elements of the prostate. As with most cancers defects in the DNA of the cell are central to the development of prostate cancer. Multiple DNA defects are required for cancer to develop. This multi-step process takes place over time. Some defects can be inherited, while others are acquired during the patient's lifetime. Prostate cancer is exceedingly rare before the age of 40, but 1 in 8 men between the ages of 60 and 80 years suffer from the disease. 9% of all prostate cancers are caused by a genetic susceptibility, probably inherited via chromosome 1. These genetically related cancers tend to present at a relatively younger age.

4 What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis means ?inflammation of the prostate?, and is one of the most common reasons men visiting the doctor in the western world. It is most common in men over the age of 30, and particularly in men over the age of 60. While prostatitis is treatable, diagnosis can be lengthy and not all treatments are successful. This is partly because the various causes of prostatitis are not fully understood. There are three main types of prostatitis:

? Acute prostatitis, which develops suddenly and may not be permanent.
? Non-bacterial prostatitis, which may develop suddenly or follow a slower or variable course. It is now more commonly called chronic male pelvic pain syndrome because it cannot be proved to be ?non-bacterial?, though a bacterial cause cannot be identified.
? Chronic (bacterial) prostatitis, which develops gradually and may only have subtle symptoms, though it often continues for a prolonged period.
? asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis - which has no symptoms at all but results in an inflamed prostate, is sometimes mentioned. It has been discovered when biopsies are conducted on the prostate to rule out cancer, and no cancer is found. This is a histological and not a clinical diagnosis. Prostatitis is often reported on the histological analysis of TURP specimens when the prostate resection was performed for symptoms of BPH. If the patient is asymptomatic this histological finding does not warrant any treatment.

With our next information - we will inform you about the ?Symptoms of prostate cancer? - so you should have a look on this site in the next 2 weeks! If you have any question send us your e-mail.

Fritz Frei make it easy to check out the important details about the diagnoses and test's of the Male - Breast-Cancer. To receive more information's about all cancer -questions - Links and last research NEW's - visit the


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Friday, March 21, 2008

Natural Prevention of Prostate Cancers

Prostate cancer is one of the three very common prostate diseases. Many experts estimate that every man will eventually develop cancer of prostate if he lives long enough.

  1. Natural prevention of prostate cancers begins with the habit of maintaining urinary tract as clean as is possible. A daily fluid intake to as much as 8 to 12 glasses will increase the urine amount. When you are drinking enough, you are urinating more often than usual. Eliminated extra fluids help maintaining the urinary tract clean. Since the prostate is involved seminal fluid producing, there is a strong belief that regular ejaculations - two or three times weekly - will also help. There is no much scientific proof of this, but it is risk-free.

  2. Diet is also a factor.

    • Avoid red meat. There is a strong correlation between high red meat consumption - more than four servings weekly - and the development of prostate cancer.

    • Eat cereals - wheat, oats and bran - as a good source of protein

    • For the prevention of cancer as well as for healing, eat plenty of cruciferous vegetables as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower. Include in the diet apples, all kinds of berries, fresh cantaloupe, watermelons, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin (seeds tea especially), parsley, squash and yams.

    • Increase the zinc intake using Wheat Germ oil, Wheat Germ and Oatmeal.

    • Tomatoes, eat tomatoes as much as you can.

  3. Massage

    • Lying down on the bed, face up, massage the lower abdomen just above the base of the penis. Be gentle, you should feel some pressure, but not pain.

    • Massage each leg about 5 minutes/day to stimulate reflexology points.

      Valerian D is a freelance writer specialized in health issues affecting men like prostate cancer prevention.

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Curing Prostate Cancer Is Possible

Cancer is a result of many related diseases that begin in cells. Normally, cells grow and divide to produce more cells. New cells are needed to keep the body in good health by replacing died cells. Sometimes, new cells form when old cells do not die off when they should. These uncontrolled cells form a mass of tissue called a growth or tumor.

Not all tumors are cancerous; tumors can be benign or malignant.

Benign tumors are not cancer. Cells in benign tumors do not invade other parts of the body. They can often be removed without problems and, in most cases do not come back.

Malignant tumors are cancer. As they multiply without control or order, cancer cells in malignant tumors invade and destroy the nearby tissue. They can also break away from the malignant tumor and spread all the body trough the lymphatic system.

Prostate cancer occurs when cancer cells in malignant tumors invade prostate.

This cancer illness can be attacked by many working methods. Treatment for prostate cancer may vary according to the stage of the cancer. It may include surgical removal, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormonal manipulation, biological therapy.

There is no universal treatment that will work the same in individual cases. Depending on factors like type and location of the cancer, size of the tumor, whether the disease has spread, the patient's age and general health, the doctors may use one or, sometimes, a combination of the above methods.

Curing prostate cancer is possible, and the treatment is more effective if cancer is detected in the early stages. For early diagnose a routine tests are necessary to be performed yearly: an urine test, a digital rectum examination or PSA tests.

At the same time, when men experience difficulties while urinating, noticing a weak or intermittent flow of urine, they must go and ask a medical advice. Other symptoms for prostate health concerns include urgent needs to urinate, the need to wake up several times a night to do this or dribbling of urine after and even before urinating.

Valerian D is a freelance writer specialized in health issues affecting men like prostate cancer treatment

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

A Simple Urine Test Can Early Detect Prostate Cancer

Human cells grow all the time. This is a specific way the body replaces useless cells with new ones. The new cells remain on the same tissue of organ, assuming the same function as the old ones. This is a controlled growing targeting the body development process.

Sometime the cells begin to grow out of control and form a mass called tumor. Tumors are cancerous only if they are malignant. This means due of uncontrolled growth they leave the 'parental' place and invade nearby tissues or spread throughout the body.

Prostate cancer happens when cells in prostate begin to multiply out of control and leave the prostate gland.

Treatment for prostate cancer may vary according to the stage of the cancer. Regular screening for prostate cancer can help in early diagnoses and in treatment effectiveness.

The most usual screening is done by routine yearly digital rectal examinations (DRE) beginning at age 40. The procedure involves a gloved finger in the rectum for a measurement of the size of the gland and feel for possible prostate tumor (nodule) cancer.

In addition, beginning at age 50, an annual PSA test is necessary because it is substantially more sensitive for men health than DRE when it comes to detecting early, tiny, or even microscopic cancers that are confined to the prostate gland.

But in many cases PSA testing is irrelevant as many men with normal test results are prostate cancer sufferers. Recent studies have found that a simple urine test may improve the diagnosis and treatment of this male disease. Urine screening can reveal the presence of thymosin ?15, a protein that sustain malignum tumor development by stimulating cell migration. This protein is produced almost exclusively by cancerous cells and it is detectable in urine.

Valerian D is a freelance writer specialized in health issues affecting men like prostate cancer treatment

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Alternative Breakthrough Treatment for Prostate Cancer

Your alternative breakthrough treatment for prostate cancer is to follow the encouraging example of John Fox. He has shown the way for baby boomers to respond proactively to the dreaded diagnosis and beat it with a combination of techniques.

Active Personal Internet Research on Alternative Treatments

In 2003 John Fox received the diagnosis no baby boomer wants to hear. Prostate cancer. John's first technique was determination to use the Internet to get the information needed to make informed decisions about the intervention needed to rid his body of this unwanted visitor.

Once the traditional intevention had been presented by his urologist he decided he didn't want the side effects of incontinence and impotence.

His Internet research revealed a little known technique called LRPS. John discovered laproscopic radical prostatectomy is a precision micro surgery procedure. What impressed this baby boomer most was the patient recovery period was only a fraction of other traditional methods. Better still the likelihood of incontinence and impotence was greatly reduced.

Never Give Up

At this stage John had become a highly motivated researcher on prostate cancer interventions.

He made two more discoveries because of his "digging down." He found the ideal doctor living less than a half hour drive from his New Jersey home.

The second discovery was this doctor had developed an improved system for LRPS treatment. It uses robotics for high level of surgical precision.

John's treatment saw him out of hospital the day after surgery and total recovery time was less than four weeks.

You can be blessed by this breakthough treatment for prostate cancer. Embrace John's belief that your personal Internet research is able to help you find the best alternative treatment by a leading urologist (the name of John's is Doctor Michael Esposito) using the latest technology.

Kenneth Little

Kenneth Little is a writer, teacher, public speaker and the publisher of a re-released classic - in a revealing ebook- that will show you how to get the best of health and wealth out of all your future years. Find more on this at:

True success will be yours no matter what your age. Amazing "How I Became Young at Sixty" brings renewed strength to your body, hope to your mind and increased prosperity to your lifestyle. You Can Get your Free ebook "How I Became Young at Sixty" by going to:

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Best Prostate Cancer Treatment Alternatives

Prostate cancer is a very common problem with men over the age of 80 and it starts becoming frequent with men over 50. By the time they are 80, almost half will have some form of prostate cancer which is not noticeable. Even though it is dangerous, just like any other cancer type, prostate cancer is very seldom the cause of death for the men who have it. Although this is such a common illness, doctors are still uncertain of the precise causes for prostate cancer. Ethnicity is one of the factors that offers some differentiation, with black men the highest risk and Asian men the lowest.

Curing prostate cancer is possible, but the condition has to be detected in the early stages. Many men do not even seek medical advice when the symptoms are present, partly because they are very similar to those of another disease: BPH or benign prostatic hypertrophy. Most men will experience difficulties while urinating, noticing a weak or intermittent flow of urine. Other symptoms include urgent needs to urinate or the need to wake up several times a night to do this. Some patients also observe a dribbling of urine after and even before urinating.

There is no universal treatment that will work the same in individual cases. Doctors have to determine several decisive factors, such as general health condition, age, location of the tumor in the prostate, size of the tumor. The number one option for treatment is surgery. However, the main operation, known as radial prostatectomy, is extremely tiring to the body, so the patient has to be in good condition. Most surgery patients are men between 50 and 70 years of age who do not seem to have extensive cancer damage. There are some side effects involved with this procedure, mostly related to erectile dysfunctions and minor urination problems. However, modern techniques greatly reduce the side effects and the success of surgery is high.

Choosing a hormone therapy is another option. This treatment does not kill the cancer cells but it reduces the size of the prostate tumor of the majority of patients. Most doctors recommend this treatment together with surgery for best effects. Cancer growth is stimulated by testosterone, the male sexual hormone, and hormone therapies reduce its level. By reducing testosterone levels, the prostate becomes less subjected to cancer cell growth. Based on patient medical history and overall health level, doctors may or may not choose to prescribe hormone therapy.

Sometimes, the doctor might suggest an alternative treatment to surgery. Radiotherapy can work by destroying cancer cells through radiation. The method is painless and involves only out-body procedures. However, some side effects like diarrhea and impotence have been noticed. Brachytherapy is the other. It involves the implantation of radioactive elements in the prostate, which are inserted with the patient under anesthesia. In time, the radioactive elements loose their properties, but they also help diminish cancer cell growth.

George Anderson is very interested in prostate cancer and the variety of prostate cancer treatments available.

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Monday, March 17, 2008

What is Prostate Cancer?

Prostate Cancer Forward

In the U.S. approximately 320,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer. Approximately 1 out of 10 men will develop prostate cancer in his life. One of the misconceptions about prostate cancer is that it?s an ?old man?s disease.? The truth is that prostate cancer runs prevalent in men in their forties and fifties. Prostate cancer can also be present for years without causing any symptoms and is often not detected until it is in an advanced stage. It can grow within the prostate at different locations, sometimes escaping collected tissue samples. Worse yet, if the cancer cells leave the prostate they can spread and infect other organ tissues in the body which is not detectable without surgery, and at that time it is usually spread too far to cure.

The treatments itself has its own psychological and physical implications and may be damaging to the reproductive and urinary organs leading to impotence or loss of bladder control. Some treatments involve removing the prostate gland and/or testicles causing an imbalance in the hormone level and can lead to a loss of interest in sex and a sense of self.

What is the Prostate?

The prostate is a sex gland in men that is located in the abdomen below the bladder at the base of the penis in front of the rectum. It is normally about the size of a golf ball and wraps completely around the urethra, or the tube that runs from the bladder through the penis. What it does is manufacture prostatic fluid, an alkaline fluid which regulates the acidity of semen and protects it from the acids in the reproductive tract of the female. It also acts as a pump during the male orgasm forcing semen in the urethra and doubles as a valve directing both urine and sperm. Not vital organ to live but quite a vital organ for ?normal? life.

So what is Cancer?

Cancer is a term that doesn?t describe a single disease but a group of diseases. These diseases do share one common trait though of uncontrolled cell growth and division. Cell growth and division are controlled by the DNA in each cell. Just about every cell in you body is in a continuous life and death cycle with new cells replacing the old (only exceptions is within the heart and brain) in a process called cellular replication. Normally, the cells in an adult generate just enough new cells to replace the old cells. Basically when a cell that behaves abnormally and ?cancerous? it doesn?t stop replicating itself, causing abnormal growth and tumors. Cancerous cells stop performing their original specialized functions and become parasites in the body, consuming energy normally reserved for the normal cells. Cancer spreads when these cancer cells break away from the tumor and enter the bloodstream or lymphatic system. These cells can lodge themselves in another part of the body and continue to replicate causing new tumor growth. Cancer is defined by the place of origination, so if it originates in the prostate, it is called prostate cancer. If it spreads to other areas it is called metastatic prostate cancer.

Prostate Cancer

Oddly though, prostate cancer is the one of the ?better? cancers to get. Cancers grow at different speeds and the time it takes for to double, or for the cells to increase by 100 percent. Prostate cancer is slow growing, taking years to replicate and double enough to cause symptoms. If it detected early enough it is treatable and there is an excellent chance it can be cured. Treatment techniques are also continually being refined to have less side effects and even if it has spread beyond curing, there are current therapies and drugs to extend life beyond five plus years.

For further information please visit the prostate cancer resource center.

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Prostate Cancer Symptoms: Prostate Treatment, Radiation, and More

How common is Prostate Cancer and what are the Symptoms? Prostate Cancer Symptoms can be hard to detect but it helps to know what you are looking for. In this article Prostate Cancer Symptoms: Prostate Treatment, Radiation and more, my goal is to briefly introduce you to Prostate Cancer so that you have an outline of important information if you ever find yourself, or someone you love in this situation.

How common is Prostate Cancer? How do I know if I have prostate cancer? These are very important questions. Prostate Cancer is the second most common form of cancer in men and is usually found in men over 50 years of age. The best protection you can offer yourself from this life threatening disease, is to arm yourself with the knowledge that will help you to detect it early on. The faster you pick up on these Symptoms, the better off you will be.

Prostate Cancer Symptoms:

-Difficulty starting to pass urine

-Weak or intermittent flow of urine

-Dribbling of urine before and after urinating

-Frequent or urgent need to pass urine

-Need to get up several times in the night to urinate

-Bladder never feels completely empty

-Occasionally finding blood in the urine

One of the most common symptoms listed above is the difficulty starting to pass urine, but keep your eye out for the others. If you have any of these symptoms for prostate cancer, you should see a qualified doctor as soon as possible.

Most of the time if the cancer has not spread, treatment with Radiation Therapy will be the recommended procedure. Another common form of treatment is Radical Prostatectomy. This procedure involves having the whole prostate and its dependent parts removed. This is a very intense operation and is only recommended for those in good health. Doctors also commonly recommend hormone therapy to help suppress your testosterone levels. This will slow down the division process of the cancer. Hormone therapy can be used alone or with other procedures like radiation treatment.

Chemotherapy uses chemicals to kill cancer cells, but Chemotherapy is only used when the cancer has spread past the prostate. The drugs used in chemotherapy are administered on an outpatient basis and do not typically require a hospital stay. I defiantly recommend researching the various treatment options in depth as the topic is worthy of a relatively large book.

For more Information on Cancer, take a look at our website

We offer information on various types of Cancer such as Prostate Cancer, and various types of Cancer Treatments

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Staying Active Helps Reduce Risk of Prostate Cancer

Those men who stay active can significantly cut down on their risk getting prostate cancer. In fact the more aerobic the exercise the better; walking, hiking, swimming and bike riding were some of the examples given in a study by Harvard Medical School on ways to stay healthy and simultaneously reduce your risk of prostate cancer. Those who went to a gym twice to three times per week and used the treadmill did best, although even those who played golf three times a week reduced their risks as well.

Most all physical activity which included a form of cardiorespiratory workout seemed to work. These men were able to reduce their risks by 75%, a huge gap over those were the most inactive one-third of all males. The cut off seemed to be 20 minutes per day or an average of 20 minutes a day over a weeks period. Those who worked out three times a week for thirty minutes are more were amongst the lowest risk groups. Some life insurance questionnaires now ask these questions, when determining risk and that ought to tell you something as well. Not only is it good for your heart but your prostate as well.

There are two factors being looked at as to why this is? One thought was that since high testosterone levels were are part of high risk categories, that those who did physical activity reduced their risks because they were lowering their testosterone levels during cardio respiratory workouts. This tends to make a lot of sense.

It would be best to get screened for prostate cancer and continue your work outs or increase them to put you into the lower risk categories. Discuss this with your physician and do some of your own research to see what works best for you. Please be thinking on this, it could save your life.

Lance Winslow, a retired entrepreneur, adventurer, modern day philosopher and perpetual tourist.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Is It True that Eating Broccoli Can Reduce Risk of Prostate Cancer?

Indeed there have been many studies and much research to determine what types of diets can prevent which types of cancers. Some of what you may have heard about which food you eat are merely folklore handed down, while others are actually based on data from actual studies. Eating lots of vegetables seems to lead one to think that there are in fact substantial benefits for all sorts of things to help us remain healthy. Eating fruits, drinking tea, proper intake of vegetables have all been among the things that are often recommended to prevent prostate cancer. It stands to reason that a healthy diet can assist you in reducing the risk of prostate cancer and there is evidence that broccoli indeed may just be one of those vegetables which can help.

One study seems to indicate the fruit intake did not substantially help in reduction of the risk of prostate cancer, but did help in reducing the risks of other cancers. Men who ate vegetables three times a day had a one-third or greater chance of not getting prostate cancer of those that did not have lots of vegetables in their diets.

Which vegetables were considered the best to eat? Well it seems brussel spouts, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli were some of the best and could increase reduced risk by just over 40%. Orange colored vegetables also hit high on the list by other studies; carrots, sweat potatoes, squash and yams. You should be eating a wide range of to reduce your risk of cancer and different fruits and vegetables prevent different types of cancer. If you have some type of cancer which runs in your family, you ought to do a little research of your own and think on this.

Lance Winslow, a retired entrepreneur, adventurer, modern day philosopher and perpetual tourist.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sun Exposure and Prostate Cancer

Go get a tan and reduce your risk of prostate cancer. Sun exposure appears to be one way to reduce your risk of prostate cancer. A recent study by some UK Researchers show that moderate exposure to sunlight significantly reduced the chances of prostate cancer; this research seems to be confirmed by many other studies as well throughout the world. Many cancer researchers believe this is due to increase vitamin D. Does this means you should go out and join a nudist colony right away and start sunning in your birthday suit? Not necessarily although the British researchers would certainly not advise against it, joking; ?it could save your life??

Although the same researchers were quick to point out that each year fewer and fewer men are dying of prostate cancer, due to awareness, better treatments and early detection through new and more available screening techniques. Men with low sunlight exposure were said to have a three times greater chance of prostate cancer. When taken from a lifetime sun exposure standpoint it was further determined that children who had occasional sunburns in fact were less likely to get prostate cancer in their adulthood.

Where as sunlight exposure was attributed to lower rate of prostate cancer many are quick to point out and rightfully so that too much sun can significantly increase your risk of non-melanoma skin cancers. It would appear from this study and other like it that a balanced approach to sun exposure should be considered to reduce your risk without increasing it. Think on this and do your own research.

Lance Winslow, a retired entrepreneur, adventurer, modern day philosopher and perpetual tourist.

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Tomato Sauce Added to Your Diet Can Prevent Prostate Cancer Later

Men seldom want to talk about prostate cancer, it is a real problem and they should be getting regular yearly screening and know about those things they can do to reduce their risks. There have been many studies, which indicate overwhelmingly that eating tomatoes is a very excellent way to reduce your risks of prostate cancer. Having chips with salsa is very good, as salsa is made with tomatoes as its major ingredient. Growing tomatoes in your garden, fresh and natural is an extremely good idea as well. Plant a few tomato plants in your garden this week and add them to sandwiches, salads and other meals. Tomatoes are very easy plants to grow and no garden should be without at least one or two tomato plants.

Working in your garden can also give you the sunlight you need as well which helps prevent prostate cancer. Scientists believe that Vitamin D is the reason for reduced prostate cancer. So a little sun growing your tomatoes maybe the one-two punch you need. If you are looking for a one-two-three punch add fish oil to that diet. This will help reduce your risk of prostate cancer, of course you would be smart to get yearly screening, because that is the best way to catch it in case you do get it and treat it early on. Fortunately prostate cancer is not the killer it once was, but you have to get screening in order to stop it. Think on these things and do your own research.

Lance Winslow, a retired entrepreneur, adventurer, modern day philosopher and perpetual tourist.

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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Simple Ways to Prevent Prostate Cancer

We all know that prostate cancer can happen to any male and it is a very common type of cancer. There are ways you can incorporate certain foods into your diet to greatly reduce the chance of getting prostate cancer and it is good to add these types of foods in your regiment anyway. One of the easiest foods to add is fish, this is because fish oils have been found to drastically reduce your risks of getting prostate cancer by as much as eleven percent. Most cultures, which have lots of fish in their diets have extremely low rates of the overall population of prostate cancer.

Selenium appears to also be an easy answer to reducing prostate cancer, you could add a daily supplement vitamin with 200 micrograms to assist you. Vitamin E is also a good idea. Soybean products, soy milk and tofu (yuk) are also good things to add into your diet if and when possible. Tomato sauce is something you should add to your diet and you should be able to do this without too much problem.

Unfortunately we have been seeing an increase in the number of prostate cancer by about 3 % per year in white men; 2.3 per year by black men. The good news is the most men do not die of prostate cancer these days due to good screening, better treatments and early detection.

Some things you should not eat? Well high intakes of fat, meat and dairy products. If you love to cook red meat on the BBQ, you might wish to do that in moderation. Smoking and alcohol did not appear to be bad for prostate cancer, but are risks of other cancers as we all know. There are many other things you can add to your diet that you should be thinking about. Perhaps you should study this subject and think on it now and continue to get yearly checkups because if you do get prostate cancer and it is treated early, you stand a very good chance of coming out in flying colors.

Lance Winslow, a retired entrepreneur, adventurer, modern day philosopher and perpetual tourist.

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Selenium May Help to Prevent Prostate Cancer

According to a federally sponsored study, published by a Stanford University urologist, men with abnormally low levels of Selenium in their blood are four to five times more likely to develop prostate cancer. Selenium is a trace element that is supplied in certain foods and supplements.

The study suggests that making a point of eating Selenium-rich foods, such as Brazil nuts and tuna, or taking a Selenium supplement, may help reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Supplementation is especially useful for older men, as Selenium blood content has been found to decrease with patient age.

Although there are no solid statistics regarding exactly how greatly levels of Selenium in the blood are improved by supplementation, the head researcher of this study, James D. Brooks, MD is decidedly optimistic about the subject. He believes that supplementation has the potential to be of great benefit in preventing prostate cancer, but goes on to comment that more precise research is needed in order to discern exact statistics on the extent of those benefits.

Overall, the researchers who conducted this study believe that they have made some very interesting discoveries, and that increasing levels of Selenium in the blood can significantly reduce a patient's risk of developing the most common form of cancer affecting men.

Jeremy Maddock is the webmaster of Immune Wellness, your source for high quality information about Selenium and other health products.

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Testosterone and Prostate Cancer

Everyone should know that when testosterone is metabolized, it produces DHT as one of the by-products, which is what allows your muscles and erections to grow. That is a good thing! However, DHT that doesn't get burned up during sex or working out is also what is at the root of your prostate problems to begin with.

The fact of the matter is that DHT is always being produced, and a lot of us simply cannot burn it off fast enough--no matter how much we work out in the gym or how much sex we have.

In the case of prostate problems, one camp blames a lack of testosterone while the other camp blames too much of it. I have even heard of a doctor suggesting castration as a means of preventing the spread of prostate cancer because he believed it was the only way to prevent testosterone from acting as fuel for the cancer.

Talk about a case of throwing away both the baby and the bathwater!

I'm sure that we've all heard at some point or another the notion that more sex is the solution to prostate problems, citing as evidence the high incidence of prostate cancer in celibate priests. Let's think about this for a moment: If more sex was really the solution, how come a certain rock-star died from prostate cancer? Also, if prostate cancer is the number one cancer killer of males, were all these murdered males celibate? Not likely...

While plain common sense would indicate that utter sexual abstinence may be harmful over the course of a lifetime, prostate cancer remains the number one cancer-killer of males DESPITE the fact that very few males are either rock stars or priests!

So, prostate cancer has little to do with sexual activity or the testosterone that fuels it. Rather, it is an issue of how we handle the excessive DHT in our bodies. With today's meat and hormone-filled diets it should be no wonder that our current report card is so poor.

This is why pro-hormone supplementation is replete with warnings that people with prostate problems should not be taking their products. (Bodybuilders love excess DHT which they can direct into their muscle tissue.)

Benign prostatic hyperplasia, often referred to as simply BPH, is an enlargement of the prostate gland that usually occurs in men who are over the age of 50. This enlargement in the prostate gland can cause a gradual squeezing of the urethra, which makes urinating difficult and painful. Many men who experience this prostate problem do not have any symptoms at all and it may not be detected until an annual rectal exam. Men with this prostate problem who do experience symptoms are likely to notice difficulty in starting urination, frequent urination as well as an increased frequency in awakening at night to urinate.

Prostate cancer, another prostate problem, is perhaps the most severe and is one of the leading types of cancers diagnosed in American men. Each year almost a quarter of a million new cases are diagnosed. It is estimated that prostate cancer will affect one out of every ten men. Each year more than 30,000 men die from prostate cancer. Because of the seriousness of this prostate problem, prostate cancer is perhaps the most serious of all the different types of prostate disease. Prostate cancer generally occurs in men who are over the age of 65, although cases in younger men have been reported. There is a high incidence of prostate cancer occurring in men who are shown to have a family history of this type of prostate disease. African-American men are considered to be particularly at risk for prostate cancer and suffer from the highest death rates related to this disease.

Plato Rosinke is a practicing Taoist herbalist since 1991 who specializes in the male reproductive system. If you've got prostate problems, then we've got solutions that work. Even if you're wearing a catheter that thing will be out in no time flat. Cutting-edge Chinese herbal formulation available at:

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Prostate Cancer as Number One Preventable Health Crisis

Can you believe that prostate cancer is the number one cancer-killer of males in the world? Can you also believe that there is no niversally-agreed upon strategy for its? diagnosis and management? There is a lot of talk these days about prostate cancer on the news, yet nobody can seem to figure out what is behind the whole thing. A recent article actually suggested that masturbation is the solution! Tired old references to the high incidence of prostate cancer in the clergy are cited. If you have ever surfed the Internet with your content filter turned off, you will have no doubt that the entire world is doing anything but holding back their seed in pursuit of spiritual ideals.

So what is behind these staggering numbers? Chinese medical theory would suggest that too much sexual activity is as bad as too little, and common sense in any culture points to the benefits of moderation with respect to any activity. Plant-based herbal remedies like saw palmetto and pumpkin seeds are purchased in large numbers, but the relief they offer is fleeting at best. Their temporary benefit, however, points back to a concept in Chinese medicine called ?excessive yang.? In western thought, we would say that something has ?overheated.?

Your prostate may indeed be suffering from a fever! How could this happen? The answer lies in a substance called DHT, or dihydrotestosterone. This is a by-product of testosterone metabolization, and perfectly natural. DHT is what allows you to produce erections and build muscles. Ironically, it also leads to an inflamed and enlarged prostate if it continues to accumulate in the prostate gland. Interestingly, DHT accumulation in the scalp is what accounts for hair loss. Incidentally, this explains why western drugs that promote hair growth also promote testicular shrinkage.

The truth is that DHT production has been on the rise over the last 30 years. The western world eats a tremendous amount of meat that is filled with hormonal back-wash that has been accumulating in livestock long before they are ever brought to the slaughterhouse. How else could we "grow" the animals so fast? Poetically, we also absorb this accumulation of hormones when we eat these "fast-track" animals. We also ingest sports supplements and energy boosters purchased at our local vitamin shop that are filled with hormone pre-cursors in order to deliver on their claims of more energy and enhanced sexual function.

This in itself may not be so bad for the prostate if all the excess DHT was actually burned up. Unfortunately for the prostate, it rarely is. This is where the problems begin. As time goes on, the prostate really has no options available to it other than to grow larger and harder. This brings on a flurry of problems such as premature ejaculation, urinary incontinence, and ultimately impotence. In this respect the medical establishment has resumed their usual course of inventing harmful surgeries, radioactive seed implants, and side-effect laden drugs. The bodies keep piling up and survivors are exactly that--often with permanent damage to their sexual organs as a result of their treatment at the hands of the medical establishment. In the end, a lot of it comes down to money: many chronic wasting diseases such as cancer and AIDS have simple, cheap cures but this doesn?t make anybody any money. Of course, I am aware that I will be branded a conspiracy theorist at best and an imbecile at worst for making such a statement. The common belief is that a cure for AIDS would be all over the news should it suddenly be discovered. People who subscribe to such notions also believe that AIDS "cocktails" are what is keeping industry poster-boy Earvin "Magic" Johnson from kicking the bucket prematurely.

The truth is that there are cheap and effective solutions for most of life's problems. Mind you, I don't think buying a pair of magnetic rings will make you an immortal, but I do think purchasing an electronic blood cleaner modeled after the one used by the medical industry itself (or is it the other way around) makes for sound experimentation.

Getting back to prostate problems, some people have gone back to traditional prostate massage methods, but the traditional methods are often messy or psychologically as discomforting as a routine prostate exam. Luckily, there are new herbal remedies being developed by individuals who use their own bodies as laboratories, and these same individuals are developing methods for massaging the prostate that are non-invasive.

With knowledge we are one step away from power, but it is the application of acquired knowledge is where the power really lies.

Plato Rosinke offers education and herbal supplements to fix prostate problems. If you've got a prostate problem, then we've got the solution.

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Prostate Cancer; Sun and Vitamin D

Cancer Centres in USA compared the lifetime sun exposure in men with advanced prostate cancer and men without disease and they suggest that men who had spent more time in the sun they lives were with low risk of prostate cancer.

New studies in prostate cancer indicate that the men who spent more time in the sun in their live usually can reduce prostate cancer in about 50%

About the above point shown that the prostate uses Vitamin D to promote the normal growth of prostate cells and in consequence to slow the spread of prostate cancer cells to others parts of the body.

Sun exposure prevent prostate cancer and the new research suggest vitamin D in supplement may be a safer option today for men.

Previous studies have shown that many places which long winter like Canada and North America men do not adsorb Vitamin D and others nutrients.

In Canada men do not adsorb vitamin D in consequence one of the seven can develop prostate cancer in their lives; USA new researches indicate that one of the five men can develop prostate cancer.

Researchers shown that vitamin D has many micronutrients promote and prevent the prostate cancer in men.

conclusion; a suitable dose of vitamin D and to take sun in a responsible manner can considerably reduce the risk of develop prostate cancer.

Article written by Hector Milla; editor of, a website about alternatives therapies like Reiki and others, they have recently published a free online guide with weight loss tips, visit at , Thanks for reproduce this article in you web site or ezine keeping a live link.

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Prostate, What You Don't Know Could Kill You

Women know more about men's health than men do themselves and that's a fact. Why is that? Is it because we find it hard to discuss these things? Is it because it's not macho! From the time that we are young, we are taught that boys have to act tough and shouldn't cry. You must have heard the saying "Big Boys don't cry!"

Most of us carry this thought process into adulthood and feel by showing concern for our health, it will be seen as a male weakness. I am guilty of that myself.

I know when my prostate troubles began, I knew absolutely nothing about the prostate. I was one of the 96%. Mainly because it didn't cross my mind that I'd ever have any problems.

In addition, the prostate is in a "private" area, and it wasn't something I wanted to examine. Many people, including myself, feel uncomfortable talking about the prostate, since the gland plays a role in both sex and urination.

I have had prostate troubles, survived a cancer scare and watched my sister die from Cancer. Believe me, when I say that when you think you are going to die, it concentrates your mind on what is really important. Suddenly your priorities get focused.

Due to my prostate troubles, I became interested in learning about the prostate and how it affected my health.

I cried the day they took a biopsy and I cried with relief the day I was told it was benign. I cried many times as I watched my sister die.

I got so frustrated having to get up every night 3-4 times due to my prostate troubles and then finding I couldn't get back to sleep.

What is prostate cancer?

Prostate Cancer develops by the growth of cancerous cells within the prostate gland. Prostate cancer occurs when some of the cells that make up the prostate gland escape from the normal controls on their growth and start to divide, grow and spread in an uncontrolled manner. In its advanced form, it can produce the same symptoms as BPH. (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)

Warning Signs

Early prostate cancer often does not cause symptoms. When symptoms of prostate cancer do occur, they may include some of the following problems:

A need to urinate frequently, especially at night; Difficulty starting urination or holding back urine; Inability to urinate; Weak or interrupted flow of urine; Painful or burning urination; Painful ejaculation; Blood in urine or semen; and/or Frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs.

Any of these symptoms may be caused by cancer or by other, less serious health problems, such as BPH or an infection (Prostatitis). Only a doctor can tell the cause. A man who has symptoms like these should see his family doctor . Do not wait to feel pain; early prostate cancer does not cause pain.

These are two other main prostate problems

1) BPH - (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) is the abnormal growth of benign prostate cells. In an enlarged prostate , the prostate grows larger and pushes against the urethra and bladder, blocking the normal flow of urine. BPH is often the result of prostatitis.

2) Prostatitis refers to prostate inflammation and infection, which can be brief or long-lasting, mild or severe symptoms can include frequent, urgent and painful urination, erectile problems or pain >during ejaculation.

Prostatitis is rampant in the US, affecting at least 80% of American men. Most is without major symptoms. Prostate enlargement, called Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) is often the result of prostatitis.

Treatment for Prostate Cancer

The treatment given for prostate cancer depends on how advanced or widespread the disease is. If the cancer is small and only present within the prostate gland, it is possible to treat it with

surgery (radical prostatectomy) radiotherapy (either external beam radiotherapy or brachytherapy) hormone therapy

I sincerely hope that this article can be of use to you, your partner, someone in your family or indeed a close friend.

Health to me is both physical and mental. The two cannot be separated. May I leave you with what I regard the finest bits of advice for life

If I were asked to give what I consider the single most useful bit of advice for all humanity it would be this: Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life and when it comes, hold your head high, look it squarely in the eye and say, "I will be bigger than you. You cannot defeat me." Ann Landers

I wish you perfect health and piece of mind in all that you do.

Jeff Cuckson
Discover Real People With Stories Of Success
In Getting Back To Good Health. Go Visit NOW at!

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Monday, March 3, 2008

What Is Prostate Cancer - Understanding It From All Aspects

What is prostate cancer? This is a question many people have asked themselves after they, like millions of others, have been diagnosed by their doctors with the problem. An answer to the question of "What is prostate cancer" isn't an easy one either.

Defining the Disease

The first step to finding the answer to this fairly common question is to understand the basic nature of the disease. Prostate cancer is a growth of abnormal cells in the prostate gland. It can be caused by a number of factors, and if it is treated immediately, it is unlikely to be fatal.

Who Gets Prostate Cancer?

This question is a bit tougher to answer than "What is prostate cancer." Scientists are desperately trying to find a connection among victims of this horrible form of cancer so as to better understand the course of the disease itself. In general, prostate cancer victims are thirty percent of all male cancer cases in the United States. Black men tend to suffer from the problem more than white men, and the older you get, the higher your risk factors are for prostate cancer. The country at highest risk for prostate cancer is Scandinavia, and men in China are at the lowest risk in the world for developing the disease.

When Should I Start Checking?

Doctors suggest that only nine percent of men in their twenties develop prostate cancer, but, interestingly enough, many men who die of other, varied causes, show signs of prostate cancer in a posthumous examination environment. Because it can be so hard to spot, most doctors recommend that men start checking for this deadly killer by the time they reach age forty. Many suggest a prostate exam is necessary on a yearly basis.

Understanding the answer to the question "What is prostate cancer," is truly necessary for the complete eradication of this horrible condition.

Dean Iggo is the webmaster of which provides the causes of prostate cancer and treatments of everything from an enlarged prostate to prostate cancer

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Something about Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer affects 1 in 6 American men. If prostate cancer is caught in its early stages, most men will not experience any symptoms. Some men, however, may experience symptoms that might indicate the presence of prostate cancer such as frequent urination, especially at night; difficulty in starting urine flow or holding it back; a weak or interrupted flow of urine, a painful or a burning sensation; difficulty getting an erection; blood in the urine or semen; painful ejaculations; or a frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, upper thighs, or hips.

These symptoms can also indicate the presence of other diseases or disorders and so, men who experience any of these symptoms should undergo a thorough examination to determine the cause.

DRE and PSA tests cannot diagnose prostate cancer, but they can signal a need for a biopsy in order to determine if there are prostate cancer cells. A biopsy consists of needles being inserted into the prostate in order to take small samples of the tissue, usually along with an ultrasound. A biopsy may cause some pain or discomfort, but it is a short procedure and is usually performed on an outpatient basis.

The Gleason Grading system, or Gleason Scores, accounts for five distinct patterns that prostate tumor cells go through as they change from normal cells. This scale runs from 1 to 5, 1 representing very nearly normal cells and 5 representing cells that don't look much like prostate cells at all. Normal prostate cells are constantly reproducing and dying and each new cell has the same shape and appearance as all of the other cells. But cancer cells look different and the degree to which they look different is what will determine the cancer grade.

Each man should learn as much as possible about various treatment options and make his own decision about what is best for him. This decision will probably rest on a combination of psychological and clinical factors. The most important first step in deciding on the best treatment course will be in careful consideration of different treatment options available. Any decision that is made now, especially in a case of localized prostate cancer, will reverberate for a long time to come.

You should consult all of the three types of specialists: a urologist, a medical oncologist, and a radiation oncologist. They will offer the most comprehensive advice on available treatments and outcomes.

Fransis Rodrigues is the author of this article currently writing on Visit today

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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Prostate Cancer Treatments

The principle function of the prostrate gland is to secrete seminal fluid, a nutrient for sperm, and eject it into the urethra during ejaculation. As it ages it can become cancerous without any specific cause. For prostrate cancer, this process is commonly a slow one. It goes undetected in its initial stages, and once symptoms start to manifest, it has already advanced into a more critical stage.

Once confirmed as prostrate cancer, it is important to collect all the information that is possible to decide on a course of treatment. The relevant inputs are the age and health condition of the patient, how far the cancer has progressed and how fast it is advancing. There is a computerized nomogram to assess the probability of a cure. The patient, along with the physician and the family, has to opt for the course of treatment that is best for him.

The simplest treatment is ?watchful waiting.? The treatment concentrates on relieving the symptoms and performing periodical tests like DRE and PSA and others, as required. If the cancer is localized, surgical removal of the prostrate may be the best option. The success rate of this procedure, if caught in the early stages, is very high. But the side effects of this surgery are impotency, the inability to control urination, and other disadvantages associated with a major surgery. Laparoscopic surgery for removal of the prostrate is a new procedure.

Radiation therapy offers a non-invasive treatment, when the cancer is localized or just beyond the prostrate. But there are side effects of radiation therapy. These include injury to the rectum and bladder, bleeding rectum and bladder, urinary problems and burned skin. There are mainly two types of radiation therapy. The external beam radiation therapy uses radiation from outside to attack the cancer cells. Brachy therapy implants a small radioactive seed directly into the tumor to treat it. Cryotherapy is freezing the entire Prostrate with liquid nitrogen and killing it all, including the cancer cells. The urethra is kept heated to save the duct. Hormone deprivation therapy aims to cut off the male hormone testosterone, which is considered a fuel for cancerous cells.

There are many other chemotherapies that are very promising, especially when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, like the bones and lymph nodes. There are over 200 new therapies under development, many of them supported by the Prostrate Cancer Foundation.

Prostate Cancer Symptoms provides detailed information on Prostate Cancer, Prostate Cancer Symptoms, Prostate Cancer Treatments, Prostate Cancer Causes and more. Prostate Cancer Symptoms is affiliated with Prostate Health

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