Prostate Problems Info


Friday, January 30, 2009

Treating Erectile Dysfunction Successfully In Prostate Cancer Survivors: Appears Unachievable!

Whenever a person falls prey to erectile dysfunction, a hellish phase starts off in his life for the obvious reason that erectile dysfunction turns his life upside down by making him incapable of physically uniting with his partner. The pain and suffering is doubled if by any chance, while being treated for erectile dysfunction the physician identifies you as a victim of prostate cancer.

But, wait! Don?t be too worried. A ray of hope has entered the lives of people suffering from these two deadly disorders simultaneously since the effective action of Cialis on erectile dysfunction patients suffering from prostate cancer came to light in a recent experiment. A group of Dutch scientists experimented the anti-impotency drug Cialis on erectile dysfunction patients suffering from prostate cancer and found that under the influence of Cialis, the victims emerged successful in getting rid of impotency in spite of prostate cancer continuously wreaking havoc in their lives.

The results of the experiments conducted at the Erasmus MC-Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center in Rotterdam showed that 48 percent from among the group of erectile dysfunction patients suffering from prostate cancer were able to achieve successful sexual intercourse with their partners after being administered with Cialis. Further it became apparent that 67 percent out of the total Cialis administered patients set off erections of remarkably good quality while from the placebo administered group only 20 percent were able to achieve that.

Cancer in any form is very scary and threatening. Whether it is lung cancer, throat cancer or any other type of cancer, the patient undergoes tremendous agony which further makes him mentally and physically sapped of energy. At such a crucial juncture the combined effect of erectile dysfunction and prostate cancer can leave the patient nowhere for which he should immediately rush for a suitable treatment as soon as he is identified with both these ailments.

Male erectile dysfunction is a specific disorder in which blood in sufficient quantity fail to reach the penile section for which it becomes absolutely impossible for the patient to trigger off erections necessary for physical intercourse. Notwithstanding the gravity of the situation, on being applied to the system, drugs like Viagra, Cialis and Levitra inhibits the PDE 5 enzyme and accelerates the effect of nitric oxide which further ensures sufficient blood flow to the penis.

To sum it up finally, any of the FDA approved erectile dysfunction medicines would be suitable for your war against male impotency. But when certain risky conditions come along with your erectile dysfunction, e.g. prostate cancer, extra caution and care should be maintained. On being clinically tested Cialis has been found a worthwhile cure for people afflicted with erectile dysfunction as well as prostate cancer. But don?t dash off for the medicine immediately. Arrange for a face off discussion with a doctor, disclose your problems in front of him and take his advice whether Cialis would be the right pick for you. Proper consultation with a physician is of utmost importance while starting a whole scale war against impotency as you can avail of an effective and safe treatment only by treading on cautiously.

The writer hs written informative articles and pieces on the erectile dysfunction drug Cialis and other issues related to male impotency. For further tidbits on these subjects, visit the website

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Monday, January 26, 2009

What Causes Prostate Cancer - The True Environmental Factors Behind The Problem

What causes prostate cancer? The world around you. Doctors and scientists are starting to take note of the environmental factors as a serious cancer risk, and the cancer prevention techniques many suggest may not always be possible depending on where you live.

What Environmental Factors Can Put You At Risk?

Many scientists have begun to link the occupation of farming to prostate cancer in an attempt to answer the ?What causes prostate cancer? question. Why farmers? There are several reasons that farmers might have a higher risk of prostate cancer than other occupations. One reason farmers might have a higher susceptibility to conditions like prostate cancer is some of the chemicals they use in their daily jobs. Pesticides and growth enhancers have both been linked to problems with the human body, and because these chemicals have not been existence long enough to complete long term studies on their effects on the human body, it is quite possible that they are the reason for the higher risk to farmers. Another possible reason to the answer ?What causes prostate cancer? in terms of those in the farm industry is engine exhaust. Farmers work around many different kinds of vehicles, and the fumes each engine puts off places them at a higher risk of exposure to dangerous chemicals that cause the body to overload with toxins, creating conditions like prostate cancer.

Farming, though, is not the only risk profession in terms of cancers. Another high risk profession for prostate cancer is mining. Most miners have high levels of cadmium exposure at some point in their careers. While many people are exposed to cadmium, few are exposed at the rate most miners are. Because this can get into your blood stream through your pores, it can also cause serious problems with organs and glands like the prostate.

What causes prostate cancer? We may never know for sure, but environmental factors may be putting you at risk. Talk to your doctor if you are concerned about your risk factors.

Dean Iggo is the webmaster of which provides prostate cancer symptoms and treatments of everything from an enlarged prostate to prostate cancer

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What Is A Radical Prostatectomy

A Radical Prostatectomy is a major operation which entails the removal of the prostate gland, a section of urethra which runs through the prostate, the seminal vesicles, and tying-off the vas deferens, along, generally with a margin of other tissue surrounding the gland. The bladder has to be 'purse-stringed' back down in order to reattach the urethra, and an 'anastomosis' is created at that point. The surgery generally destroys one of the sphincter muscles which control urinary retention, and incontinence is a common side effect, along with the impotence created by the removal of the erectile nerves, and possible injury to any remaining nerves, as well as penile arteries and other musculature. It takes a fairly long recovery period before any normalcies return.

Because the prostate is what produces the semen, losing ejaculatory capabilities is a given for this surgery, and possibly the TransUrethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP), or TransUrethral Needle Ablation of the Prostate (TUNA) procedures as well. Those are done by going in throught the end of the penis, and are far less impacting, and much more minor procedures than the radical operation.

The general understanding is that the term "radical" is employed when cancer is present. In rare cases, open prostatectomy is conducted for BPH, the benign enlargement of the prostate that interferes with urnination. It is my understanding that open proastatectomy for BPH is only done when the prostate has grown to an abnormally large size and TURP would be dangerous.

Sen blo is interested in men's issues such as prostate

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