Prostate Problems Info


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Important Testing Procedures For Prostate Cancer That You Should Know About

When you mention prostate cancer, many men start to panic. The reality is, though, that prostate cancer is very similar to other cancers, in that the earlier you find it, the better your chance of successful treatment. Once the cancer has developed too far, however, it becomes extremely difficult if not impossible to treat. The risk of developing prostate cancer rises dramatically over the age of fifty, so it's important that men in this age group are checked periodically for prostate cancer.

While screening for prostate cancer is not a routine procedure, the required tests are available upon request. Regular testing is very important for a number of reasons. Firstly, once you pass the age of fifty, you're at a much higher risk of developing prostate cancer. It's generally believed this risk continues to rise as you get older. Above the age of seventy-five the risk rate skyrockets. Around fifty percent of the cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed in this age bracket.

It's also believed that genetics play a part in how much at risk you are. If you have a family member with the disease, it's important to realize your chances of getting it are much higher. So regular checks will help you detect it earlier. Certain racial groups are also more prone to prostate cancer. Asians are generally considered low risk, whereas Americans, African-Americans and Europeans are higher risk. Be aware, though, that Asians who've lived in the US for an extended period of time start to show higher rates of prostate cancer that are more in tune with the risk level of Americans.

Prostate Cancer Tests

There are a number of different tests used to detect prostate cancer, and your doctor will usually use more than one before giving you a conclusive diagnosis. Detection is most effective when a number of tests are performed.

Firstly, everybody's favorite - the rectal examination. The subject of countless jokes, this involves a doctor inserting a gloved finger into the patient's anal tract so that he can manually feel the prostate gland. This is a good way of detecting an enlarged prostate, but cancer is not the only cause of an enlarged prostate. Still, this is a quick and simple way of detecting one of the possible symptoms of prostate cancer.

An ultrasound can also be performed, which involves (here we go again!) inserting a small probe into the patient's anal tract. An ultrasound scan of the prostate is then conducted. The scan accurately reveals the current size and shape of the prostate.

If all this talk about the anal tract is bothering you, then the next test will sound much better - the PSA blood test. In medical terms this is called the prostate-specific antigen blood test, and is one of the most common tests used in the detection of prostate cancer. The levels of this particular antigen are checked, and if they're on the high side, this can be an indicator that prostate cancer is present. Again, this has to be verified with other testing as well, as some other conditions can cause a rise in PSA levels.

If there are concerns, a biopsy may be undertaken. During this procedure a small sample is taken from the prostate for further analysis. To do this, a small probe (don't you hate that word?) is inserted into the anal tract, and the prostate is poked with a needle to obtain a sample.

It's also possible, once cancer is suspected, that an x-ray will be taken of the bones located near the prostate. Quite often prostate cancer doesn't just affect the prostate, but spreads into the lymph nodes and nearby bones. An x-ray will show any damage that's been done to nearby bones.

For more information on prostate cancer diagnostic testing, natural prostate cancer treatment options, prostate cancer symptoms and gleason scores try visiting located at


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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Prostate Cancer Information

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men, apart from skin cancer. After lung cancer, prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death among men.

In this year, around 234,500 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in the US. In 2006, approximately 27,300 men will die from prostate cancer in the US alone. One in every 8 Canadian men will develop the disease, and one in 3 will die from it.

Every man is at risk for prostate cancer. Black men have about a 60% higher incidence rate of prostate cancer than white men, and almost a two-fold higher mortality rate than white men.

Men most at risk include:

- Men over age 40
- North American and European origin
- Diets with a high fat intake
- History of the disease in the family.

The disease takes a long time to develop, and can be easily treated, if detected in its early stages. Prostate cancer can take up to eight to ten years to spread and become life threatening.

There are no specific prostate cancer symptoms, but some potential signs include:

- Frequent, difficult and painful urination
- Blood or pus in the urine
- Pain the in the lower back, pelvic area, or upper thighs
- Painful ejaculation

When speaking about medical options, doctors typically offer patients two choices: radiation therapy or surgery to remove prostate gland.

Studies show that that adding the following to your diet can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer:

- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Tomato juice
- Selenium
- Garlic

Here are 5 foods that can help prevent prostate cancer:

1. Black, pinto, small red and kidney beans.
2. Tomatoes, watermelon and pink grapefruit.
3. Sweet potatoes, carrots and cantaloupe.
4. Broccoli, kale and cauliflower.
5. Soy milk.

Alex Fir shares a wealth of information on his website rel="nofollow" href="">Prostate Cancer Information. To read latest prostate cancer news visit his site right now.

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Monday, October 13, 2008

Prostate Cancer - A Nautural Cure Without Medication

Prostate cancer is classified as an adenocarcinoma, or glandular cancer, that begins when normal semen-secreting prostate gland cells mutate into cancer cells.

The symptoms or conventional treatment of prostate cancer will not be discussed here, as they are well documented, and a great deal of research has been underway for a long time.

Rather, our discussion is first of all the mutation of the normal prostate cells, and then, a restoration without mutation of new cells, letting the body?s immune system clear away the cancer.

Mutation of Prostate Cells

A genetic mutation is defined as a distinct change of the DNA sequence within a gene or chromosome of any organism. This in turn results in the creation of new characteristics or traits not found in the parental type.

Mutations occur very seldom on their own in nature. Instead, they are usually caused by mutagens (substances or forces that give rise to mutations). In the case of the cells of the prostate, these may be (often are) environmental in nature, or by direct invasion of strong radiating forces.

Whatever the specific cause, the cancerous mutations on the prostate gave rise to new cells that if generally left untreated, can metastasize, and end up with death as the result.

Conventional Treatment vs. Alternative Treatment

There are now several options available to the men afflicted with this condition. There is also an alternative treatment that can be used on its own, or in conjunction with any of the various conventional treatments available.

The alternative treatment suggests the afflicted man to get in intimate touch with his deepest self, and locate the perfect pattern of non-diseased genetic codes which produced non-diseased prostate cells.

Once this is done, the pattern can be superimposed on the cells of the prostate, and the new cells are produced to the original pattern. This is called application of the Konov Principle

The Konov Principle

Sergey Konov, a contemporary Russian film producer, writer and original thinker, has coined the phrase Genetic Memory to express the repository of all chemical-physical events in our bodily and mental existence.

Konov has explained that in the case of cancer of the prostate, the genetic memory has records of both the normal and cancerous genetic information.

By the application of addressing the genetic memory, one can re-establish the priority of the normal arrangement

Addressing the Genetic Memory

By following some basic yogic exercises in relaxation and concentration, one may become gradually aware of one?s inner and basic nature, including the mechanism of genetic reproduction of cellular material.

The technique of achieving this may be found in earlier articles covering application of the Konov Principle.

The actual possibility of discovering one?s ideal genetic combinations and then superimposing them upon the later, mutated variety is a real and practical possibility.

Doctors are still quite uncertain about the nature of the healing process, and quite impressed with recent ?placebo? cures occurring when patients believe strongly enough they are being treated.

These patients may have accidentally found their way to their own genetic memories, and healed themselves.

This article does not suggest you should reject medical treatment if you need it, but rather, should you find yourself ill, with say, prostate cancer, some deep self-realization techniques and practice, can bring you closer to realizing your own nature, and help yourself effect a cure.


On cancer including prostrate cancer and a wide variety of information on alternative treatments for a variety of conditions, as well as information on all apsects of health are available at

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Important Information On What Is Considered The Best Treatment For Prostate Cancer

Have you recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer? If so, you need to sit down and discuss all the possible treatment options with your doctor. Some treatments may not be appropriate for you, so it's important to determine which options are most suitable. There are a number of factors that need to be considered when determining which type of treatment is likely to be the most effective. It's often quite difficult to determine which treatment is most appropriate, as it depends how much you give to each factor. Some men also find it difficult to cope with the idea of living with the side effects of certain treatments, such as baldness, impotence or urine incontinence.

Initially, you need to consider basic factors such as your age, overall level of health, your goals for treatment, and how you feel about possible treatment side effects. These should be discussed extensively with your doctor and partner. If something is really bothering you, it's important to share that with your doctor. You have a right to be fully informed about all your options. Addressing your concerns and trying to find a treatment that is effective but still acceptable to you is part of the duties and obligations of your doctor. If you don't care about side effects and you just want to get rid of the cancer, fine. But if your concerns are substantial, even to the point of being more important than curing the cancer, then you need to share those concerns upfront.

It's also important to think about your age. If you're already in your 70's and your health is poor, it may not be the preferred choice to follow an aggressive treatment regime. Prostate cancer is a relatively slow growing cancer, and it can take years before it spreads into other parts of your body. If cancer is left alone, and not operated on, it's often found that it grows even slower. So you could use this to your advantage. Instead of risking your life by undergoing surgery, it may be a better choice to undertake hormone therapy. This is unlikely to get rid of the cancer, but it can retard its growth to a great extent. The advantage of hormone therapy over other more invasive treatments is that it also has very few uncomfortable side effects.

If you're only in your 50's or 60's, or even if you're older but in good health, then you might be more interested in the treatments that offer the best chance of a cure. These can include things such as radical prostatectomy, external radiation and radioactive treatment, as these are generally considered the most effective methods for eradicating prostate cancer cells. However the side effects of these treatments can be serious, ranging from urine incontinence to impotency. This is why it can be very important for you to consider all factors before choosing which treatment option you want to pursue. There's no need to make an instant decision, you should take the time to discuss treatment with your family and partner. Whatever decision you make, the support of your family and friends is very important.

For even more important and essential information on prostate cancer treatments, prostate cancer diagnostic testing, and prostate cancer symptoms please visit the

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