Prostate Problems Info


Saturday, December 29, 2007

What's the Treatment's of prostate cancer?

Surgical castration by orchidectomy

Surgical castration is the simplest and cheapest way to treat metastatic prostate cancer. The obvious disadvantage is the psychological effect of the loss of the testicles.


LHRH-analogues and oestrogen achieve a "medical castration" by stopping the testicular production of testosterone. LHRH-analogues are injections that have to be given monthly or three monthly for the rest of the patient's life. They are effective but very expensive.


Oestrogen can be taken orally on a daily basis. It has a high incidence of thrombotic complications such as stroke and myocardial infarction.


Anti-androgens oppose the action of testosterone by blocking the androgen receptors. The incidence of erectile dysfunction is less than with surgical or medical orchidectomy because testosterone levels are maintained in the bloodstream. Anti-androgens alone are probably not adequate treatment for metastatic disease. Total androgen blockade by a combination of steroidal anti-androgens and LHRH-analogues or orchidectomy has not been shown to be better than LHRH-analogues or orchidectomy alone. However, non-steroidal anti-androgens yields slightly better results than castration alone.

Locally advanced disease without metastases.

The overall results of treatment of patients with disease beyond the prostate are not good. Some patients with early disease beyond the prostatic capsule, and no evidence of metastases, benefit from radical treatment. The most widely used treatment regimens consist of a combination of radiotherapy and hormonal treatment. Treatment options for locally advanced and metastatic disease.

? Early hormonal treatment ? Watchful waiting with hormonal treatment once symptoms develop Disease that has spread to the seminal vesicles and beyond is not real curable.

Prostate cancer is dependent on the male hormone testosterone. 80% of patients will respond to hormonal treatment that deprives the tumor of testosterone. This response usually involves the shrinkage of metastases and symptomatic improvement for the patient. The response to hormonal treatment is not a cure but can last for many years in some patients. The average duration of response is 2 years. Most cancers eventually escape hormonal manipulation. This is referred to as hormone independent disease and is usually followed by death within a few months.

Controversy exists regarding the timing of hormonal treatment. Most studies indicate a survival benefit for early rather than late hormonal maneuver. Testosterone deprivation has side effects like erectile dysfunction, breast enlargement and osteoporosis. The earlier hormonal treatment is instituted the greater the chance of complications. Once again treatment has to be individualized to the needs of the specific patient.

With our next information - we will inform you about the "Staging and grading of prostate cancer" - so you should have a look on this site in the next 2 weeks! If you have any question sends us your e-mail.

Health-Service-Online Fritz Frei Admin

Fritz Frei works since more than 25 years in the health-and hosptital business as a consultant and he make it easy to check out the important details about the diagnoses, test's and treatments of the Prostate Cancer. To receive more information's about all prostate cancer -questions - Links and last research NEW's - visit the

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Don?t Shame You - Check Your Prostate - Its Can Safe Your Life!

Prostate problems? How long you have waiting?

Prostate Cancer - Seeking Medical Help by Enlarged prostate

It's very important! - Consult a doctor if you experience any bothersome symptoms.

- Severe difficulty passing urine
- Blood in urine
- Urinary incontinence
- Urinary tract infection or other complication of BPH
- Suspected kidney impairment
- Inability to pass urine (retention)

The acute (sudden) inability to pass urine is painful and will necessitate a hospital or doctor's visit. Retention of urine can also come on slowly with a progressively worsening stream and eventual overflow incontinence.

In this scenario the bladder never empties properly, which can lead to obstructive kidney failure and other complications such as infections or stones.

Blood in the urine should never be assumed to be due to prostates enlargement unless all other more serious causes, such as bladder cancer, have been ruled out.

Any man over 50 years should have a yearly prostate check to rule out prostate cancer. Black men, who are at higher risk for this kind of cancer, and men with a positive family history of prostate cancer should start their prostate checks at age 40. The aim of yearly prostate checks in is to diagnose prostate cancer early, when it is still curable.

Early prostate cancer is usually completely asymptomatic. Men who have had previous surgery for BPH (i.e. TURP or open prostatectomy) are not exempt from the risk of prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer classically develops in the outer part of the gland, which is not removed during operations for BPH.

Visit preparation (prostate cancer-test)

No specific preparation is needed for the first visit. The health professional will take a detailed medical history and perform a physical examination. The physical examination should include a digital rectal examination of the prostate gland. The health professional will almost certainly require a urine sample. It is a good idea not to empty the bladder shortly before the appointment. A blood sample will be taken to measure the level of PSA.

With our next information - we will inform you about the ?Diagnosis of prostate cancer? - so you should have a look on this site in the next 2 weeks! If you have any question sends us your e-mail.

Fritz Frei Admin  Fritz Frei make it easy to check out the important details about the diagnoses and test's of the Prostate Cancer. To receive more information's about all prostate cancer -questions - Links and last research NEW's - visit the

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Use Of Altenative Medicine In Prostate Cancer

According to a conclusion of a group of the University of California-San Francisco, about one third of prostate cancer sufferers in the United States receive some type of alternative or complementary medicine therapies. People using alternative medicine have more education, higher incomes, and more advanced cancers, targeting the prostate health when were younger. They also were more likely to face other illnesses.

Because alternative or complementary therapies could interact with other medicines, it is very important for patients to tell their physician everything they are taking.

After investigation of a group of 2,582 prostate cancer patients, the study found that 852 (about one third) reported the use of some alternative medicine, such as mineral or vitamin supplements, herbs, antioxidants and some sorts of alternative treatment for "prostate health," such as saw palmetto or lycopene.

The study has no conclusion about how prostate patients take the decision to start using complementary or alternative medicines and about the way they are getting their information. There is also no mention regarding how the use of these therapies affects health and quality of life in men with prostate cancer.

Men can find a lot of alternative therapies on the market, but the question is, do these therapies work?

If taken in small to moderate portions, these products show to be safe. But they haven't been tested yet in large, long-term trials. Some may be beneficial by providing protective effects before prostate cancer develops, such as treatments based on Vitamin E, selenium or lycopene. But they are slowly gaining acceptance in conventional medicine.

Apart of the fact that they may or may not help, the benefits and risks of such products and practices remain unproven by scientific techniques. However, the biggest problem is the production of these products is not well regulated by an authority and the amount of active ingredient may vary from bottle to bottle or even from pill to pill.Valerian D is a freelance writer specialized in health issues affecting men such as prostate cancer. Visit to learn more

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

What?s A Man Must Know About Prostate Cancer!

1 Testosterone and its active metabolite.

Dihydro-testosterone are essential for prostate cancer to develop, but does not actually cause prostate cancer. Men who are castrated at a young age do not develop prostate cancer.

2 Prevalence of prostate cancer

One in ten men will develop clinically significant prostate cancer in their lifetime. It is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in American males with 250 000 new cases reported annually. Prostate cancer is second only to lung cancer as a cause of cancer death in both the USA and the UK. Prostate cancer is rare among Orientals. It is more common in black than white Americans. The disease appears to present at a younger age and behave more aggressively in American blacks. Prostate cancer is common in South Africa and probably underreported as a cause of death. The exact incidence in South Africa is not known as no large-scale epidemiological studies have been performed. It is uncertain whether prostate cancer is more common in South African blacks as compared to whites. In very old men prostate cancer is not always clinically significant. Autopsy data indicate a 70% incidence of prostate cancer in 80 year old men. The majority of these men died with rather than from prostate cancer.

3 Causes of prostate cancer

There is no single cause of prostate cancer. The cancer originates in the epithelial cells of the glandular elements of the prostate. As with most cancers defects in the DNA of the cell are central to the development of prostate cancer. Multiple DNA defects are required for cancer to develop. This multi-step process takes place over time. Some defects can be inherited, while others are acquired during the patient's lifetime. Prostate cancer is exceedingly rare before the age of 40, but 1 in 8 men between the ages of 60 and 80 years suffer from the disease. 9% of all prostate cancers are caused by a genetic susceptibility, probably inherited via chromosome 1. These genetically related cancers tend to present at a relatively younger age.

4 What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis means ?inflammation of the prostate?, and is one of the most common reasons men visiting the doctor in the western world. It is most common in men over the age of 30, and particularly in men over the age of 60. While prostatitis is treatable, diagnosis can be lengthy and not all treatments are successful. This is partly because the various causes of prostatitis are not fully understood. There are three main types of prostatitis:

? Acute prostatitis, which develops suddenly and may not be permanent.

? Non-bacterial prostatitis, which may develop suddenly or follow a slower or variable course. It is now more commonly called chronic male pelvic pain syndrome because it cannot be proved to be ?non-bacterial?, though a bacterial cause cannot be identified.

? Chronic (bacterial) prostatitis, which develops gradually and may only have subtle symptoms, though it often continues for a prolonged period.

? asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis - which has no symptoms at all but results in an inflamed prostate, is sometimes mentioned. It has been discovered when biopsies are conducted on the prostate to rule out cancer, and no cancer is found. This is a histological and not a clinical diagnosis. Prostatitis is often reported on the histological analysis of TURP specimens when the prostate resection was performed for symptoms of BPH. If the patient is asymptomatic this histological finding does not warrant any treatment.

With our next information - we will inform you about the ?Symptoms of prostate cancer? - so you should have a look on this site in the next 2 weeks! If you have any question send us your e-mail.

Fritz Frei Admin

Fritz Frei make it easy to check out the important details about the diagnoses and test's of the Male - Breast-Cancer. To receive more information's about all cancer -questions - Links and last research NEW's - visit the

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Diagnosis of prostate cancer

The diagnosis of prostate cancer can be made on clinical suspicion of the disease, following screening, or as an incidental finding during transurethral resection for suspected benign disease (TURP).

Clinically suspected prostate cancer Prostate cancer can be completely asymptomatic or present with symptoms similar to benign prostatic enlargement (see symptoms). It can also present with the symptoms of metastatic disease. On digital rectal examination prostate cancer feels rock hard and nodular. Invasion into the surrounding structures may be palpable as a hard mass. Spread to the lymph glands may be palpable in the groins or pelvis. Bony metastases to the lumbar spine or pelvis are often tender to palpation. PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) is a substance excreted by all prostate cells. The blood level of PSA is elevated in prostate cancer and the level of elevation correlates with the extent of disease. The PSA level can also be elevated by benign diseases such as prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia. The normal range for PSA is 0 - 4 ng/ml. The higher the PSA the greater is the chance of having prostate cancer. Somebody with a PSA of 4 - 10 ng/ml has a 25% chance of having prostate cancer, while a PSA of greater than 10 carries a 50% risk of the disease. Very high levels of PSA (>100ng/ml) almost invariably indicate widespread metastatic disease. The diagnosis of prostate cancer is confirmed by needle biopsy and histological analysis of the biopsy specimens. A transrectal ultrasound scan is performed via a probe inserted into the rectum, and ultrasound guided needle biopsies of the prostate are taken. The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic

Screening All healthy men over the age of 50 years should have annual prostate cancer checks. Black men and men with a positive family history should start at age 40. The aim of screening is to diagnose the disease at an early stage while it is still potentially curable. By the time prostate cancer becomes symptomatic it is usually beyond cure. The screening tests consist of a digital rectal examination and a PSA blood test. The prostate gland may feel entirely normal despite the presence of an early cancer. The combination of PSA and digital rectal examination is more sensitive than either test alone. If one or both of these tests are abnormal a transrectal ultrasound and needle biopsies of the prostate gland are performed.

Incidental finding following TURP Whenever a transurethral resection of the prostate gland is performed for suspected benign disease the removed tissue is sent for histological analysis. Occasionally evidence of unsuspected prostate cancer is found in the tissue. In a young man with an otherwise long life expectancy this is obviously significant. A tiny focus of cancer in an elderly man is probably not significant, since the prostate cancer will not have sufficient time to become bothersome.

With our next information - we will inform you about the "Diagnosis of prostate cancer" - so you should have a look on this site in the next 2 weeks! If you have any question sends us your e-mail.

Health-Service-Online Fritz Frei Admin

Fritz Frei - since more than 25 years in the Health-Consulting Business - he has build up different rehabilitation groups and offer now in the network the easy information about a better health and life.

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Diagnosis of prostate cancer

The diagnosis of prostate cancer can be made on clinical suspicion of the disease, following screening, or as an incidental finding during transurethral resection for suspected benign disease (TURP).

Clinically suspected prostate cancer Prostate cancer can be completely asymptomatic or present with symptoms similar to benign prostatic enlargement (see symptoms). It can also present with the symptoms of metastatic disease. On digital rectal examination prostate cancer feels rock hard and nodular. Invasion into the surrounding structures may be palpable as a hard mass. Spread to the lymph glands may be palpable in the groins or pelvis. Bony metastases to the lumbar spine or pelvis are often tender to palpation. PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) is a substance excreted by all prostate cells. The blood level of PSA is elevated in prostate cancer and the level of elevation correlates with the extent of disease. The PSA level can also be elevated by benign diseases such as prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia. The normal range for PSA is 0 - 4 ng/ml. The higher the PSA the greater is the chance of having prostate cancer. Somebody with a PSA of 4 - 10 ng/ml has a 25% chance of having prostate cancer, while a PSA of greater than 10 carries a 50% risk of the disease. Very high levels of PSA (>100ng/ml) almost invariably indicate widespread metastatic disease. The diagnosis of prostate cancer is confirmed by needle biopsy and histological analysis of the biopsy specimens. A transrectal ultrasound scan is performed via a probe inserted into the rectum, and ultrasound guided needle biopsies of the prostate are taken. The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic

Screening All healthy men over the age of 50 years should have annual prostate cancer checks. Black men and men with a positive family history should start at age 40. The aim of screening is to diagnose the disease at an early stage while it is still potentially curable. By the time prostate cancer becomes symptomatic it is usually beyond cure. The screening tests consist of a digital rectal examination and a PSA blood test. The prostate gland may feel entirely normal despite the presence of an early cancer. The combination of PSA and digital rectal examination is more sensitive than either test alone. If one or both of these tests are abnormal a transrectal ultrasound and needle biopsies of the prostate gland are performed.

Incidental finding following TURP Whenever a transurethral resection of the prostate gland is performed for suspected benign disease the removed tissue is sent for histological analysis. Occasionally evidence of unsuspected prostate cancer is found in the tissue. In a young man with an otherwise long life expectancy this is obviously significant. A tiny focus of cancer in an elderly man is probably not significant, since the prostate cancer will not have sufficient time to become bothersome.

With our next information - we will inform you about the "Diagnosis of prostate cancer" - so you should have a look on this site in the next 2 weeks! If you have any question sends us your e-mail.

Health-Service-Online Fritz Frei Admin

Fritz Frei - since more than 25 years in the Health-Consulting Business - he has build up different rehabilitation groups and offer now in the network the easy information about a better health and life.

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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Symptoms of prostate cance

Related to the primary tumor:

* Asymptomatic * Poor stream * Retention of urine * Urgency * Frequency * Hematuria (blood in the urine) * Related to secondary tumor deposits: * Bone pain(back and pelvis): * Pathological fractures * Enlarged lymph glands * Kidney failure * Related to the general effects of malignancy: * Weight loss * Tiredness * Malaise * Anemia * Loss of appetite

Early prostate cancer is usually completely asymptomatic. By the time that prostate cancer becomes bothersome or clinically apparent it has usually spread beyond the confines of the prostatic capsule and is no longer amenable to cure. In the first world early prostate cancer is usually diagnosed following screening. Prostate cancer can also be a chance finding in the tissue removed by transurethral resection for suspected benign prostatic enlargement.

The primary tumor can cause lower urinary tract symptoms similar to benign prostatic hyperplasia. Obstructive symptoms include poor stream, incomplete emptying and straining while passing urine. Irritative symptoms include dysuria, frequency, urgency and nocturia. Prostate cancer can also cause blood in the urine but this is not common.

Prostate cancer typically spreads to the bony skeleton and the lymph glands of the pelvis. Bony metastases commonly involve the lower spine and pelvic girdle causing backache. Lymphatic involvement can cause swelling of the legs and obstruction of the drainage tubes of the kidneys (ureters). Prostate cancer can cause renal failure by ureteric obstruction or by bladder outlet obstruction.

With our next information - we will inform you about the "Diagnosis of prostate cancer" - so you should have a look on this site in the next 2 weeks! If you have any question send us your e-mail.

Health-Service-Online Fritz Frei Admin

Fritz Frei - since more than 25 years in the Health-Consulting Business - he has build up different rehabilitation groups and offer now in the network the easy information about a better health and life.

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

BPH (Prostate Enlargement) - What Is It and How Can It Be Treated?

BPH is the enlargement of the male prostate gland. It can have many associated problems including the need to urinate frequently, difficulty in urinating and inability to completely empty the bladder.

The main cause of BPH is age. It's a very common complaint in older men - indeed over 50% of males 55 years old and over are thought to be suffering with BPH.

It's important for BPH to be properly diagnosed, mainly to assess treatment options and to rule out other more serious problems such as prostate cancer.

The difficulty here is many males are embarrassed to seek treatment and indeed some will put up with annoying symptoms for years rather than admit to any problems in this sensitive area!

Still others fear being diagnosed with prostate cancer and will spend years worrying about the possibility while being too afraid to know.

All this, while quite understandable, coupled with a natural male reluctance to admit to any weakness is counter productive. Why suffer when it's not necessary?

Even if there is a problem, it's much better to know about it. This gives us back some control and ability to make choices among the many options now available.

BPH is what it says - "benign". Meaning that there is no malignancy. Having been diagnosed then, all worry about cancer should cease! It's sensible, however, to do everything to prevent prostate cancer - information about which can be found on the site below.

Treatments for BPH fall into 3 categories. Drugs, surgery or natural medications.

Prostate Surgery -

If the symptoms of BPH are severe and causing major problems such as complete inability to empty the bladder, then surgery is the best and probably the only option.. This can take several forms, but the most common is known as TURP.

TURP is performed without cutting and access to the prostate is through the urethra. An instrument is inserted which removes any obstructive tissue, easing the pressure thus relieving the BPH symptoms. TURP is a relatively safe operation.

Drug Treatments -

For those whoses BPH symptoms are not severe - or for those who hate the thought of surgery! - There are two main types of BPH medication.

Hormones - For example Finasteride (Proscar). Hormones work by interfering with the male hormone, testosterone. It is a slow acting and long term treatment. The side effects can be impotence and erection failure.

Alpha Blockers - These act by relaxing the muscle in the prostate itself which prevents urine flow. This is faster acting than the hormone approach but the side effects are weakness and lethargy.

Alternative BPH Treatment

These herbal remedies can be extremely effective without the side effects of drugs. For more information visit the site below.

This article is for informational use only. It is important to seek medical advice if you are experiencing BPH symptoms.

Help for Prostate enlargement, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), prostatitis and prostate cancer. Super prostate formula. Visit: Wendy Owen is a health writer and researcher.

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Friday, December 7, 2007

What?s A Man Must Know About Prostate Cancer!

1. Testosterone and its active metabolite.

Dihydro-testosterone are essential for prostate cancer to develop, but does not actually cause prostate cancer. Men who are castrated at a young age do not develop prostate cancer.

2. Prevalence of prostate cancer

One in ten men will develop clinically significant prostate cancer in their lifetime. It is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in American males with 250 000 new cases reported annually. Prostate cancer is second only to lung cancer as a cause of cancer death in both the USA and the UK. Prostate cancer is rare among Orientals. It is more common in black than white Americans. The disease appears to present at a younger age and behave more aggressively in American blacks. Prostate cancer is common in South Africa and probably underreported as a cause of death. The exact incidence in South Africa is not known as no large-scale epidemiological studies have been performed. It is uncertain whether prostate cancer is more common in South African blacks as compared to whites. In very old men prostate cancer is not always clinically significant. Autopsy data indicate a 70% incidence of prostate cancer in 80 year old men. The majority of these men died with rather than from prostate cancer.

3. Causes of prostate cancer

There is no single cause of prostate cancer. The cancer originates in the epithelial cells of the glandular elements of the prostate. As with most cancers defects in the DNA of the cell are central to the development of prostate cancer. Multiple DNA defects are required for cancer to develop. This multi-step process takes place over time. Some defects can be inherited, while others are acquired during the patient's lifetime. Prostate cancer is exceedingly rare before the age of 40, but 1 in 8 men between the ages of 60 and 80 years suffer from the disease. 9% of all prostate cancers are caused by a genetic susceptibility, probably inherited via chromosome 1. These genetically related cancers tend to present at a relatively younger age.

4. What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis means ?inflammation of the prostate?, and is one of the most common reasons men visiting the doctor in the western world. It is most common in men over the age of 30, and particularly in men over the age of 60. While prostatitis is treatable, diagnosis can be lengthy and not all treatments are successful. This is partly because the various causes of prostatitis are not fully understood. There are three main types of prostatitis:

? Acute prostatitis, which develops suddenly and may not be permanent.

? Non-bacterial prostatitis, which may develop suddenly or follow a slower or variable course. It is now more commonly called chronic male pelvic pain syndrome because it cannot be proved to be ?non-bacterial?, though a bacterial cause cannot be identified.

? Chronic (bacterial) prostatitis, which develops gradually and may only have subtle symptoms, though it often continues for a prolonged period.

? asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis - which has no symptoms at all but results in an inflamed prostate, is sometimes mentioned. It has been discovered when biopsies are conducted on the prostate to rule out cancer, and no cancer is found. This is a histological and not a clinical diagnosis. Prostatitis is often reported on the histological analysis of TURP specimens when the prostate resection was performed for symptoms of BPH. If the patient is asymptomatic this histological finding does not warrant any treatment.

With our next information - we will inform you about the ?Symptoms of prostate cancer? - so you should have a look on this site in the next 2 weeks! If you have any question send us your e-mail.

Fritz Frei make it easy to check out the important details about the diagnoses and test's of the Male - Breast-Cancer. To receive more information's about all cancer -questions - Links and last research NEW's - visit the

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

How To Avoid Prostate Cancer - Naturally

It's much better to avoid any form of cancer than to try and treat it after it has appeared. Prostate cancer, however, is usually a slow growing form of cancer which responds well to treatment.

The first step in prostate cancer prevention is to improve your general health. Weight should be within the normal range for your height. If you are very overweight, see your doctor for advice and eat a healthy diet which is low in fatty or sugary foods. This combined with daily exercise such as walking and swimming should help.

Drink lots of water - water is vital for health. It prevents hunger and flushes toxins from the body. Six to eight glasses a day is ideal and tea and coffee doesn't count towards this!

Cut down on alcohol. There's nothing wrong with the odd drink, just don't make it a daily habit.

Lycopene - found mainly in tomatoes is an antioxidant which has a proven beneficial effect on prostate health. Studies have shown that men who consume large doses of lycopene have a much lower incidence of prostate cancer.

Lycopene is not destroyed by cooking and is hence found in tomato sauce, tomato paste and in all your favorite Italian dishes!

Isoflavones found in soy beans and it's products such as soy milk or tofu has a balancing effect on the body's hormones. Isoflavones can counter excess testosterone which can lead to prostate cancer.

Beta-carotene found in carrots and other brightly coloured vegetables can stimulate T-helper cells which prevent the development of cancer.

Selenium is an extremely important micro nutrient which is only needed in tiny amounts. Selenium can be found in certain foods, but the soils in many areas in the world are deficient in this mineral and the food cannot absorb this mineral. Supplements are beneficial is this case.

And last, but not least, a person's mental disposition can have a direct effect on the health of the body. Emotions such as anger, stress and depression can have a damaging effect on the immune system and can lead to diseases such as cancer or heart problems.

Try to let go of these damaging emotions. Practice relaxation exercises or learn Yoga or qigong. Qigong is a wonderful set of Chinese breathing exercises which can heal disease, whether physical or emotional, and allow you to experience great health.

So adopting certain changes of diet, ensuring you take supplements and keeping your emotions positive can all help in the prevention of prostate or indeed any other form of cancer.

Help for Prostate enlargement, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), prostatitis and prostate cancer. Super prostate formula. Visit:

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Prostate Health - Learn The Basics.

It can be frustrating and confusing to find out what really works for a man's prostate health. In this article I've summarized some of the major guidelines and recommendations you should know. And if you've found something that has really worked for you, which you have verified through trial and observation, please let me know. I'd like to be able to share it with others.

First, read the following list of helpful hints related to improved prostate health and benign prostate enlargement.

1. Urinary tract infections (UTI's) are mostly related to an enlarged prostate. Candida and infections like prostatitis are also related. Candida is a common and insidious condition you should be sure to eliminate. At my website I have a simple self-test for candida.

2. Do pelvic exercises to increase circulation by tightening your pelvic muscles intentionally at least 100 times a day. Raise your awareness of the inner world of your pelvic area. Give separate consideration to your buttocks, lower abdominals, scrotum, urethra, and sphincter.

3. Use Prosperon to raise your testosterone level naturally.

4. Drink plenty of water, every day, to flush out your system.

5. Move to a low animal-protein and grain-rich diet, or some variation on the macrobiotic.

6. Keep your weight in check.

7. Keep a journal in order to track and recognize, as soon as possible, what is working for you, and what is not. Think about your symptoms for yourself; don't just depend on your doctor!

8. Realize that hormones are hormones and vitamins are vitamins. When his PSA test results were too high, a friend decided to heal himself by doing an anti-parasite treatment. It did no harm, but your prostate has to do with hormones, and needs to be dealt with on this level.

You can't put fresh oil in your car when you're out of gas and then wonder why your engine won't work!

9. Visualize that you are much healthier and that your prostate and urethra function well. Approach your body with love, as it is part of your temple where the soul resides. ACCEPT .

Melatonin: An excellent study done at Tel Aviv University showed that the melatonin receptors in the prostate could suppress prostate enlargement. Researchers found that an enlarged prostate is due to the imbalance of estrogen and testosterone that occurs as we age. They further noted that the excess estrogen also interferes with the normal metabolism of melatonin (J. Clin. Endoc. Metab.

82 (1997) p. 2535 - 41).

Their advice then, is to take 1-3 mg. of melatonin supplement every night. (Stick with this dosage; as with most medicines, more is by no means better.) Take it ONLY in the darkness of night, in order not to interfere with the body's natural production of melatonin before sunrise. Go to bed by ten o'clock also, to get a good night's rest.

Good luck, warmly, Pieternel

? 2005 Pieternel van Giersbergen.

Pieternel van Giersbergen is an RN with over 25 years of experience in different fields of health care,developed her own common sense health business natural-health-products manufacturers of high quality natural health care products like oil of oregano.

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Monday, December 3, 2007

Prostate Health ? Learn The Basics.

It can be frustrating and confusing to find out what really works for a man?s prostate health. In this article I?ve summarized some of the major guidelines and recommendations you should know. And if you?ve found something that has really worked for you, which you have verified through trial and observation, please let me know. I?d like to be able to share it with others.

First, read the following list of helpful hints related to improved prostate health and benign prostate enlargement.

1. Urinary tract infections (UTI?s) are mostly related to an enlarged prostate. Candida and infections like prostatitis are also related. Candida is a common and insidious condition you should be sure to eliminate. At my website I have a simple self-test for candida.

2. Do pelvic exercises to increase circulation by tightening your pelvic muscles intentionally at least 100 times a day. Raise your awareness of the inner world of your pelvic area. Give separate consideration to your buttocks, lower abdominals, scrotum, urethra, and sphincter.

3. Use Prosperon to raise your testosterone level naturally.

4. Drink plenty of water, every day, to flush out your system.

5. Move to a low animal-protein and grain-rich diet, or some variation on the macrobiotic.

6. Keep your weight in check.

7. Keep a journal in order to track and recognize, as soon as possible, what is working for you, and what is not. Think about your symptoms for yourself; don?t just depend on your doctor!

8. Realize that hormones are hormones and vitamins are vitamins. When his PSA test results were too high, a friend decided to heal himself by doing an anti-parasite treatment. It did no harm, but your prostate has to do with hormones, and needs to be dealt with on this level.

You can?t put fresh oil in your car when you?re out of gas and then wonder why your engine won?t work!

9. Visualize that you are much healthier and that your prostate and urethra function well. Approach your body with love, as it is part of your temple where the soul resides. ACCEPT .

Melatonin: An excellent study done at Tel Aviv University showed that the melatonin receptors in
the prostate could suppress prostate enlargement. Researchers found that an enlarged prostate is
due to the imbalance of estrogen and testosterone that occurs as we age. They further noted that
the excess estrogen also interferes with the normal metabolism of melatonin (J. Clin. Endoc. Metab.

82 (1997) p. 2535 - 41).

Their advice then, is to take 1-3 mg. of melatonin supplement every night. (Stick with this dosage;
as with most medicines, more is by no means better.) Take it ONLY in the darkness of night, in order not to interfere with the body's natural production of melatonin before sunrise. Go to bed by ten o'clock also, to get a good night?s rest.

Good luck, warmly, Pieternel
2005 Pieternel van Giersbergen. www.pieternel.comPieternel van Giersbergen is an RN with over 25 years of experience in different fields of health care,developed her own common sense health business natural-health-products manufacturers of high quality natural health care products like oil of oregano.

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Saturday, December 1, 2007

Prostate Cancer Enting Prostate Cancer

 by: News Canada

(NC)-It is increasingly recognized that diet plays a role in prostate cancer, a disease that affects one in eight men. For optimal health, it's important to exercise regularly and eat according to Canada's Food Guide, which recommends lots of fruits and vegetables, many of which contain the antioxidant selenium.

"Antioxidants help neutralize the influence of free-radical oxygen molecules which can cause cell damage that can lead to prostate cancer," said John Blanchard, President of the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada. "Our bodies need a diet rich in vitamins and minerals to help prevent the disease."

Recent studies suggest that selenium and vitamin E may reduce a man's risk of developing prostate cancer. One study showed that the incidence of prostate cancer was markedly lower in those who supplemented their diets with selenium, while another found that the occurrence of prostate cancer and the risk of death from prostate cancer was significantly less in those who supplemented their diet with vitamin E.

Because of these positive findings, a large study called the Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT) was recently launched to specifically determine whether selenium and vitamin E, individually and together, can help prevent prostate cancer.

Foods that contain selenium include seafood, meat, grains, and certain types of nuts. It is very difficult to get the recommended amount of vitamin E through diet alone, however it can be found in vegetable oil, nuts, whole grains and wheat germ. As it's not always easy to eat well, consider taking a daily multivitamin such as Centrum to ensure an adequate intake of selenium and vitamin E on a regular basis.

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