Prostate Problems Info


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Prostate Cancer: Prevention and Lifestyle Changes

Prostate Cancer: The Male Equivalent of Female Breast Cancer

Over 30,000 men will die this year from prostate cancer. Not only that, but it has been quoted that over 200,000 new prostate cancer cases are reported each year in men as well. While prostate cancer is fairly treatable if it is found in it's earliest stages, it still is a major concern for men, especially men over the age of 40 when you consider the fact that one in six men are diagnosed with this cancer.

What can you do to prevent this disease, and what are the measures for ensuring the cancer goes into a permanent remission?

The Diet/Prostate Cancer Link

While there is much speculation about this, there have been studies to strongly suggest that diet has a profound impact on cancer prevention of all types, not just prostate cancer. Further, the regulation of one's blood sugar may play an even bigger role than we think in suppressing the growth of cancer cells, and slowing or completely stopping the growth of existing cancer cells.

One such diet used in the prevention and reversal of cancer is the macrobiotic diet, which is a very restrictive diet based in sea vegetables and whole grains. The food groups of dairy and most fats is eliminated, and sugars are strictly forbidden. Microwaves are not used to cook foods, and minimal cooking of foods is advised to maintain their nutritional and antioxidant value as much as possible.

This diet actually originated in Japan, and has gained a lot of notoriety over here in the states for having particularly therapeutic value in the healing and prevention of cancer and other diseases. If you are thinking about going on a diet like this, that promotes healing and helps to prevent prostate cancer, I would encourage you to read about this diet online and see if it sounds like something you could do.

Other than that, common sense seems to prevail in diet guidelines for prostate cancer prevention. The usual guidelines include staying away from sugars, eating an abundance of leafy green veggies, the darker green is even better, and avoiding processed and prepared foods.

Another good guideline is to eat organic whenever possible. Organic foods are free of pesticides, chemicals, preservatives, and hormones that are common contaminants of most foods sold in grocery stores. Try to stick to unprocessed, raw foods whenever it is feasible to do so, and drink filtered or distilled water whenever possible.

Be Active, Stay Active: Health is a State of Mind

Maintaining an active lifestyle is beneficial for almost any type of cancer. Active people tend to stick to healthy diets, and tend to maintain a healthier outlook on life and health. Don't let anyone tell you there is not a huge mind/body connection, because there definitely is.

The evidence is pretty stunning to anyone when it is viewed as to how profoundly diet and lifestyle is related to the prevention and even reversal of many kinds of cancer, and prostate cancer is no different.

Visit Spoozer: Men's Health, Music, Technology, Internet and Men's Humor for great leisure reading and the latest scoop on men's health, cars, music, technology, webmastering and even beer. Danna Schneider is the founder of Credit Cards and Mortgages Advice and Info.

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