Prostate Problems Info


Thursday, January 17, 2008



The lifetime risk of dying from prostate cancer is less than 4%. Factors associated with risk of non-curable prostate cancer include age at the time of diagnosis, PSA level and density.

For a man whose father had prostate cancer, the risk is about two and one third times normal. Growing older raises your risk of prostate problems and tall men have a moderately higher risk of developing it, and 60% of newly diagnosed cases occurred in men over the age of 70.

Maintaining a healthy weight with regular physical activity may help to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer.


Given the limitations of the current knowledge of the molecular pathology of prostate cancer, there are several viewpoints regarding the process of tumorigenesis. Widespread testing for early detection, utilising digital rectal examination and prostate specific antigen (PSA) has led to a significant clinical conundrum. To prevent prostate cancer, doctors recommend a healthy diet, low in saturated fats and high in fruits and vegetables, together with regular physical activity.

Rising PSA levels can be a sign of prostate cancer progression, which needs careful monitoring. Vasectomy for sterilisation has been linked to prostate disorders and even cancer, yet early prostate cancer often does not cause symptoms. If the cancer, however, has spread beyond the prostate, it can be difficult to treat and cure.


In order to examine this gland, the doctor inserts a gloved finger into the rectum and searches the prostate gland, noting any abnormalities in size, contour or consistency.

TRANSURETHRAL RESECTION OF THE PROSTATE (turp) This is a surgical procedure by which portions of the prostate gland are removed through the penis.

PROSTATALGIA. Pain in the prostate gland.

RADICAL RETROPUBIC PROSTATECTOMY. This is an operation to remove the entire prostate gland and seminal vesicles through the lower abdomen.

The prostate gland is a small gland in men and lies just under the bladder. Certain conditions of the prostate, may raise the level of a substance produced by the gland called Prostate Specif Antigen - PSA..The gland is covered by a membrane called the prostate capsule that produces the psa. Enjoyment of sexual activity is encouraged as it activates the prostate gland and keeps it from getting stagnant and inflamed.


Radical prostatectomy may mean the removal of the erectile nerves, but penile sensation and the ability to have orgasm are preserved. Currently the average hospital stay after such surgery is two to three days. Full activity can be resumed about a month after the operation. However, loss of ejaculation with orgasm may result.



The PSA is considered a better indicator of whether a man may have prostate problems. A PSA blood test is a laboratory procedure that measures the amount of prostate specific antigen in your blood. A high reading, however, does not mean that cancer is present, and by the same token low PSA readings do not always mean that the prostate is cancer free.

Tony Bryan ? 2006.About the author: Tony Bryan has health web sites the main one is at You may reprint this article providing the 'About the Author' box is reprinted with it, otherwise copyright procedures apply.

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